Proper business ethics / Respectable thing to do

apple aimee's Avatar
So after speaking to a couple provider friends and a male mod I have decided to gather other opinions on something that happened today.

As many of you know I have a full time career. I can only hobby every now and then and hardly get to travel. So like many other providers when I do get to play, I need to make the most of the time I have. Well I planned this trip to s.a. one of my regulars books to see me at 3:30pm. For 90mins. He books & confirms his appointment at 2:20pm. Which means I have no time to see anyone before him and I am now not open again until 5:30pm since he's booking 90mins. No problem. He's a regular I have no problem blocking off this much time out of my schedule for him because he is a regular. I turn away about 4 other gents due to now being booked. He says he is good for at least an hour NO MATTER what. But may do 90mins. He arrives at 3:20. At which time he also books a 30m apt at 8am for tomorrow. And confirms he is indeed going to do 90mins. Then he comes on up. He does 30mins. Pays for 30mins. Says something came up at work. No apology and leaves. Here is where I have a problem. I for one understand work issues come up. I have a full time career. However you JUST confirmed 90mins. Just minutes ago. You guaranteed at least an hour. But only paid for 30mins. I have never experienced anything like this before, anytime a client had to change last min or leave early he paid the full donation for what he booked... or at least tipped for the change. Due to the work issue I wasn't expecting the full 90m fee. I'm totally understanding. But a tip should of been provided... for the fact how much time I blocked off for this gent. For the fact he guaranteed a certain amount of time but confirmed he would do 90mins as he is walking up.

After talking to a few people I noticed a few different opinions. The ladies said the amount of time he booked should of been paid for. The mod said a tip for the sudden change & inconvenience should of been left. Both genders said I should post this In the ladies area to warn others about this gent. But instead of out right ruining someone's reputation... I decided to post here and get others opinions. Both ladies and gents. And hopefully this client will see the mess up and make right by it.

Let me be clear this was not a matter of him showing up and not wanting to see me. He's a regular. One of which I have seen numerous times. I believe this was a genuine work issue. But due to the fact that I blocked off so much time for him... hour before the appointment and 2 hour time frame for the 90m apt. I truly think a tip would of been the right thing to do here.

Sorry for being long winded I just wanted to be clear about the whole situation to get people's opinions.
I hope he enjoyed what should be his last visit with you.
4funn's Avatar
  • 4funn
  • 09-05-2017, 05:25 PM
At least you got something out of this experience.. if I was to be compensated for all the work time I lose every time one of you girls NCNS or postpone me I'll be getting lap dances for free at the nearest strip joint
robexar's Avatar
He can not be that good of a regular or maybe your idea of a regular is not twice a week. I always think long term, years out. In my business, I will lose money on a job knowing the Owner is happy and will give me more business for years to come.
The ladies that say one and done will never have real regulars.
Shit happens - Is he going to make you money over the next 6 months, year or like me with my regulars - years and years, going on 8 years with one.

It depends on how you want to do business and is he worth it in the long, long run?
freedom2017's Avatar
I am in complete agreement with the two comments above by 4funn and CoverMe. And yes, a tip would be the respectable standard in a service type of industry... As long as the provider met or exceeded expectations!
apple aimee's Avatar
At least you got something out of this experience.. if I was to be compensated for all the work time I lose every time one of you girls NCNS or postpone me I'll be getting lap dances for free at the nearest strip joint Originally Posted by 4funn
Yes but you can't speak for every girl here. I take my business very serious. I want every client to hopefully be a regular... And I treat them as such. I go above and beyond to be a top notch provider and I think that shows in my reputation. Girls who nc/ns... or cancel last min... Not good. Emergencies happen and if that's the case a discount is mandatory for the gent you cancel on. Just like a guy wasting a girls time, a bit of compensation smoothes things over. Everything should go both ways. This may be a business but it's suppose to be fun. Respect given on both parties ends.
Xesaddict's Avatar
AA. While I agree with Freedom in this instance and would likely leave a tip, what drew my attention in your narrative is that all the providers felt it appropriate you be compensated for the time originally booked. Robexar accurately pointed out that a good long term business model often requires that you willingly give up money in the short run in order to profit more in the long run. It seems your provider friends are only looking at the here and now and not trying to accommodate what you state is a good client and his needs. If you wish to keep him as a client write this incident off as part of doing business, and if this happens again you may reconsider keeping him as a client. I am sure you have had to cancel an appointment with short notice and have kept a client waiting past the scheduled appointment time due to RW issues. When this happens do you ever consider compensating the client for time, and possibly money, lost as well as the inconvenience?
We both know the answer to that. Just something to think about in the future.
apple aimee's Avatar
And to me... a regular for a visiting city is someone that sees me every time I come to town, sometimes 2x while I am in town. That was him. So this came as a shock. I felt disrespected. And I am not one for confrontation. You never know when someone may flip on you. I don't feel I should HAVE to tell a guy... this is not ok. I feel certain things in this buis should be understood and customary. As I said... if a girl cancels then she owes the gent a discount. If a gent confirms an appointment and the length multiple times then changes last min, a tip should be in place. Understanding how much time the lady reserved for him & how much buis she lost when things change last min.

I'd personally NEVER ask for the full fee to be left for a last min change of appointment length... never. That is unfair and robbery in a sense. Us ladies have all had gents who book an hour... stay 30-45 get what they came for and leave the donation for what they booked. That's different than this situation. I don't upsell. I don't clock watch. I provide great services to everyone. And I don't think a gent being kind and leaving a tip & an apology for such a dramatic last min change is ridiculous.
Dr Grey's Avatar
I think in this case a 30 min fee with tip is in order since he didn't use the whole block and had to change plans (since you did say his intentions were genuine), however he should make up the 90 min session in the near future to make up the time lost that day. You win by getting your business and a repeat client. He wins by seeing you. I've met you before and were a blast! If he doesn't keep his word by making it up to you later or does this again, consider dropping him as a client and move on. All part of risk management in the hobby.
apple aimee's Avatar
Well sadly his reply was not the nicest when it was brought up. Since I didn't say anything in person then it's my fault basically. I didn't count the money right in his face. I feel thats an insult to a regular client. But I guess I need to do things differently. I assumed yes he did leave a tip. He left. Counted the money. Only basic 30m fee. We all screw up here and there and a lot of us girls make the mistake of trusting guys and we pay for it. I'm sure the same goes for guys building a repor with girls, trusting them and then they get taken advantage of. There are 2 sides to every fence. I wouldn't expect a make up session... especially since I only visit and that's something long term he would have to commit to. But an apology and a tip would of made everything ok. I'm still giving him time to make this good... But if not... Then I think I will have to no see him. Sad because I liked him. But everything added together... No apology, changing after a firm commitment/promise & the rude response when it was brought up. Maybe a good client that's gone off the deep end and took advantage. How is one to even know what's truth or not ya know? I'll decide if I should post his handle in the ladies area by tomorrow... hopefully he will make it all right
Dr Grey's Avatar
It's really up to you as a provider how you want to swing it. Some girls would want the whole thing, can't blame them, while others would say no sweat. And just take the 30 min and go about business and the next client. You can't go wrong either way.
Xesaddict's Avatar
AA. You felt disrespected and you lost money because of your client's actions. I get it! I also understand that it is not ridiculous to expect a tip, and maybe an apology, because of the last minute change in plans. My original advice still stands, though. Write this off as the cost of doing business if you value future business from this particular client. If he repeats this, rethink keeping him as a client. What I strongly suggest you not do is take the advice of other providers, 90% of whom most likely do not give a second thought to last minute cancellations, ncns's, being late to scheduled appointments, etc. Their business model, or should I say lack of one, is not one you should emulate. One last bit of food for thought: if the client in question reads this there is a strong probability you will lose him as a client. He will either become angry and defensive or will feel shamed. Either way he most likely will not wish to see you again. There is the outside possibility he will look at this objectively and contact you in an effort to work things out. Keep us posted on how this plays out.
Cheesecake7's Avatar
You book 90 minutes, you pay 90 mintes. It is that simple. It is the right thing to do.
Yep!! A providers time is her living! If you take up 90 minutes of her time you should be willing to pay for 90 minutes. I've always booked hour long sessions and many times have been rushed due to work and ended up staying 30 minutes, but still leave the hour donation. It's just good etiquette!
GeorgeDRII's Avatar
Exactly what Toadvine said. You can never get back that time. So it's important to make it count. For some providers it's their main job. But for everyone providers and clients, time and money are the two key ingredients. We all want each appointment to go just as planned but must also be prepared if not. Compensation is always what should be brought to mind for both parties. No one should ever be just left flapping. That's how bridges get burned and in some cases never repaired.