Future survival of non-essential business and the cost going forward

As many of you know non-essential business are not allowed to operate right now pretty much Nationwide.

You also know that despite bail outs some of these businesses are not going to survive and have already started shutting down for good. This can be anything from a hair salon to a restaurant to a clothing store.

For the businesses that will survive do you think the cost of their goods or services will skyrocket,stay the same, or plummet?

Also, with new proposed stimulus legislation we could be getting several future payments.. Do you think this will cause inflation?

I know some people who cut hair out of their home and they are swarmed right now because no one is supposed to be doing it therefore they have a great demand..

When we all are "allowed out" we do know the demand for things will be even greater.

So do you think prices on goods and services will reflect supply and demand?

For example, If 10 to 20% of all barbers close and people still need haircuts desperately it would seem that the prices will go up.. now this is worse case scenario but remember we do not know how long this will stretch out..
As many of you know non-essential business are not allowed to operate right now pretty much Nationwide.

You also know that despite bail outs some of these businesses are not going to survive and have already started shutting down for good. This can be anything from a hair salon to a restaurant to a clothing store.

For the businesses that will survive do you think the cost of their goods or services will skyrocket,stay the same, or plummet?

Also, with new proposed stimulus legislation we could be getting several future payments.. Do you think this will cause inflation?

I know some people who cut hair out of their home and they are swarmed right now because no one is supposed to be doing it therefore they have a great demand..

When we all are "allowed out" we do know the demand for things will be even greater.

So do you think prices on goods and services will reflect supply and demand?

For example, If 10 to 20% of all barbers close and people still need haircuts desperately it would seem that the prices will go up.. now this is worse case scenario but remember we do not know how long this will stretch out.. Originally Posted by Sienna91
It's hard to tell how it comes out in the end based on supply and demand and how people re-prioritize the spending of their money.

In your example if 10 to 20% of barbers/salons close, but the demand tanks because people decide they just want the basic cut rather full service, then prices for basic cuts increase but the higher end services largely evaporate, so the average could actually decline. Same with high end vs mid range vs fast food restaurant.

I just hope it doesn't reach full depression and rationing/etc. needs to take place.
And by the way the example of the percentages I literally just made that up

but if you apply what you're saying to other things as far as high-end evaporating I wonder how far and deep that will reach

because no matter what you will always have your low and your mid-range in your high-end shopper . And some brands/business owners will not operate at a lower range. They would rather go out of business entirely

now how you could apply that to hobbying is that girl wouldn't lower their prices. They might offer lower visits. a lot of higher in girls do a minimum visit of 90 minutes. so they might just jack up the price of an hour but still be less than 90 minutes so you can still get that high in experience but at a lower price. But in all actuality they still be making more money.

but I don't even know if that's a good example because the demand for hobbying is so great right now even though it doesn't look like it
and we are already rationing if you think about it because when you go to store you can only get a limit of one on essential items
and we are already rationing if you think about it because when you go to store you can only get a limit of one on essential items Originally Posted by Sienna91
Oh, I agree with all of what you are saying. I just think that we will see a major re-alignment in the non-essential business world going forward.

But on the plus side for the business here. The oldest profession always finds a way to survive and in the end is essential.
Indeed. Nothing can top pleasure
As many of you know non-essential business are not allowed to operate right now pretty much Nationwide.

You also know that despite bail outs some of these businesses are not going to survive and have already started shutting down for good. This can be anything from a hair salon to a restaurant to a clothing store.

For the businesses that will survive do you think the cost of their goods or services will skyrocket,stay the same, or plummet?

Also, with new proposed stimulus legislation we could be getting several future payments.. Do you think this will cause inflation?

I know some people who cut hair out of their home and they are swarmed right now because no one is supposed to be doing it therefore they have a great demand..

When we all are "allowed out" we do know the demand for things will be even greater.

So do you think prices on goods and services will reflect supply and demand?

For example, If 10 to 20% of all barbers close and people still need haircuts desperately it would seem that the prices will go up.. now this is worse case scenario but remember we do not know how long this will stretch out.. Originally Posted by Sienna91
Many restaurants out there were marginal operations barely making rent and a subsistence salary for the owners who would be better off getting a job. Those should just close.

High end restaurants with proper capitalization and good locations with excellent food should be able to survive.

I could give a fuck if the NBA never comes back at all. I obviously never played in the NBA but I can tell you in high school it is a very rough and high contact game - so let's just close the league a few years and see if anyone misses it.

Working girls will hopefully get an influx of former "civilians" who see what they think is big money in high end escorting - I love to try out new girls. Same for strip clubs - hopefully the prettier girls will return.

Ultimately it is all supply and demand - and demand for skinny and pretty girls will never go away.
https://www.cnn.com/2020/04/15/europ...rnd/index.html Originally Posted by Sienna91
Sounds like Germany is not doing as well as many would have you believe.
Many restaurants out there were marginal operations barely making rent and a subsistence salary for the owners who would be better off getting a job. Those should just close.

High end restaurants with proper capitalization and good locations with excellent food should be able to survive.

I could give a fuck if the NBA never comes back at all. I obviously never played in the NBA but I can tell you in high school it is a very rough and high contact game - so let's just close the league a few years and see if anyone misses it.

Working girls will hopefully get an influx of former "civilians" who see what they think is big money in high end escorting - I love to try out new girls. Same for strip clubs - hopefully the prettier girls will return.

Ultimately it is all supply and demand - and demand for skinny and pretty girls will never go away. Originally Posted by friendly fred
There will always be a demand for sex work especially in a time of crisis but even when new people are added as everyone knows this is an industry where girls drop off all the time

Strip clubs are hard because you have to pay to work there so if you're not making any money you're actually losing

And to be a higher-class escort there are a lot of costs that are involved in it. You spend hundreds to thousands on your upkeep a month plus your cost of doing business a lot of people just don't want to do that

As with anything only the Strong survive