I was reminded of a story I read once some time ago.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I don't remember the author or the name of the story but it came from one of the Joe Haldeman storys in his many compilations of science fiction and war; There Will Be War.

It was written in the 1980s. The story starts with a liberal president and his liberal synchophants thrilled that the country was do democratic and egalitarian. Along the way, the libs had passed an antiquity act which said that anyone who could make a case of previous ownership of US territory could lodge a claim. This was to placate the Hispanics and Native Americans. However, the Soviets were watching (the Soviet Union was still the bad guy) and tested the waters with a third party lawsuit about former Russian colonies in North America. They lost because they didn't have sufficient standing. So the plan was hatched, lets populate Alaska and Northern California with Russian people so they had standing.
Hoped this wasn't necessary but I guess I have to explain to some people. This sounds a lot like Obama and his government. It also sounds like the goal of La Raza.
To make this happen the Soviet Union floated the idea of a disastor in Siberia and the thousands of refugees started boating their way into Alaska. Some migrated further south into former Russian colonies in places like San Fransisco (ever hear of Russian Hill?). At first they were pretty like illegal aliens without status or papers but the liberal president quickly passed laws giving them the right to vote but not citizenship.
Sounds like a democratic dream so far.
First the Russians did menial work on the oil pipeline and their women worked as providers or maids. They became part of the fabric of the society. At this point several law suits were filed in federal courts demanding that the lands that were once part of Russia be given back to these new Russians which would require the return of Alaska to Russia. The president became alarmed and called in his Secretary of Defense to see the state of the army. She told him (with pride) that his milltary was half women, 1/5 left handed, 5% gay, 8% conscientious objector, and 15% black. It was a perfect military machine. How many soldiers can we put in the field on short notice? Short notice??? The US military can put about a total of 37,000 soldiers in the field....but we need a month to make it happen.
Another liberal dream.
Meanwhile, the Russian immigrants (they were immigrants now) were recieving their orders to start terrorism and sabotage in Alaska. Well the Russian were concerned because they had kids in school, some had purchased homes, joined the PTA, and were getting ahead by hard work. They didn't want to lose what they had earned. In desperation, and at the behest of the conservative GOP, the president signed an executive order to allowed anyone who served in the military to recieve US citizenship after serving their time.
Refugees starting terrorism? Sounds like Muslim refugees to me.
Because of the presidential orders, tens of thousands of former Russian immigrants joined the US military after killing their Soviet handlers and stood up to fight the Soviet military from the Soviet Union.

A nice story from the good ole days of the 1980s.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-18-2015, 10:38 AM
I was reminded of a story I read once some time ago.

. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Jesus , sounds like your Mom kept you on the tit to long...

I was reminded of a story Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I thought something must have "reminded" JDIdiot of his Malaysian Airliness 777, Conspiracy Theory "story."
A sea story starts with " this is no shit" A fairy tale is " a long time ago".
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
This is science fiction. That explains the fiction of Muslims suddenly deciding that they like our culture and be willing to fight for it.
A sea story starts with " this is no shit" A fairy tale is " a long time ago". Originally Posted by i'va biggen
So you, Lil cotex and woomby start all your "stories" with " a long time ago " ? Fairy " tail " tales by you limp-wristers !! All of you on the reach around crew a literarily challenged !
What the FUCK... bitchezzz got one coming...

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
A sea story starts with " this is no shit" A fairy tale is " a long time ago". Originally Posted by i'va biggen
What would you know about a sea story?
What would you know about a sea story? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Troop transport, but not as much as you know about fairy tales.