HCG and What It Did For Me

Danielle Reid's Avatar
I was looking for the old weight loss thread but couldn't find it...or I didn't look hard enough. Anyway I remember saying I wouldn't do HCG but I had a bottle laying around so I figured I should give it a try.

Long story short I lost about 22 pounds since March 18th. Doesn't sound like much but I didn't have that much to lose in the first place. I also found a better plan than the 500 calories no oil plan. I'm follow the Keto diet but only eating no more than 800 calories a day and staying under 25g carbs. Also no added sugar or starch.

Ive also lost a total of 8 inches combined from my waist, hips, thighs, and arms. Boobs are still here lol. Im going to do one more round to get down to spinner size and continue working out. I should be a sexy hot piece of ass come July lol
Nice job! I too have been losing weight (still a considerable way to go) and know how hard it is. Been doing mostly keto myself lately, sometimes extreme keto (less than 5 grams carbs / day).
Danielle Reid's Avatar
Keto is a good plan on it's own without the HCG, I need sugar and carbs in my life though lol

And tequila...
I'm on the keto too.lost 15 in a month.keto is 75% fat 20% protein 5% carbs.I dont worry. About calories. Just carbs. I put red palm oil in my coffee. And cook with coconut oil and 100% olive oil. No grains sugar or bread at all.its working and I feel alot better.more energy.
Red palm oil, interesting...I presume that's a sweetener? I've been using stevia.
No.I dont use any sweeteners. Red palm oil is very high in fat.its good fat.240% of vitamin a and 25% vitamin e ..in 2 tablespoons.
I just love carbs too damn much. I would love to drop about 50 pounds but I am not strong willed enough to work out AND eat right simultaneously. Right now I am on a good workout routine. It helps me stay at a plateau and not gain any weight...I could start eating right but then I'd not ever go and work out. Or if I did then I'd want to gorge again.
Red palm oil and coconut oil ..high fat content.0 carbs
After awhile on the keto.its not will power.it's the fact your body is not bombarded with insulin, so you dont get that hungry, your blood sugar stays low and your liver is converting keytones into energy because there is no glucose.your body starts producing more enzymes to convert the fat into energy. your just not that hungry anymore.
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I just want a damn cookie and ice cream...hell just BREAD!

But I learned a lot of great recipes and I'm becoming more domestic in the kitchen so that's a plus...just wish I had a bigger kitchen with more counter space so I can actually bake low carb gluten free bread
After awhile on the keto.its not will power.it's the fact your body is not bombarded with insulin, so you dont get that hungry, your blood sugar stays low and your liver is converting keytones into energy because there is no glucose.your body starts producing more enzymes to convert the fat into energy. your just not that hungry anymore. Originally Posted by peter north77
Define "awhile."
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Define "awhile." Originally Posted by RJinLR
Can't speak for peter, but for me I've been Keto for about 4 weeks and I still want bread lol. Then again I'm the person to eat sugar from the sugar container...so yeah I'm weird like that

It's a detox process. Once your body realizes it can survive without the carbs, it stops streaming for them. The amount of "detox" depends on how "addicted" you are.
About 3 weeks, your taste buds readjust , so you dont miss the sugar.It is a little strange to eat a lot of meat and no bread , rice or pasta.no sweets.I eat a lot of sockeye salmon.Eating healthy is rather expensive, eating cheap , can kill you.
Danielle Reid's Avatar
Instead of rice I eat grated cauliflower
Instead of pasta I use spiral zucchini or yellow squash (I have a veggie spaghetti maker that turns phallic shaped vegetables into "pasta")

I'm learning to make cloud bread but I can never get my eggs to separate correctly (yolk in the whites is a no no).

Yeah, it sucks that I can't eat ice cream, cake, or actually bread and pasta, but I'd rather be a spinner than see "bigger than her photos" in my reviews
I have yellow squash, eggplant and zucchini radishes and other veggies growing 20 feet from my backdoor. Green beans and asparagus are very low carb.