Live Bloopers Video

  • Sandy
  • 08-07-2016, 08:00 AM
  • Sandy
  • 08-07-2016, 08:02 AM
  • Sandy
  • 08-07-2016, 08:03 AM
Omerta's Avatar
Top one wins!

Reminds me of my days working for a radio station as a disk jockey. I was brand new, nervous, and at the time Art Garfunkel's song "Arc of a Diver" was climbing the charts. I got tongue-tied and introduced the song by "Art GarFARCKEL."

Then I realized what I said and stuttered through saying "Art GarFUCKel". At that point I quit trying and never introduced a song by him again. It's been over 30 years, and if I see "Art Garfunkel" I start laughing.
  • Sandy
  • 08-07-2016, 09:25 PM
I had fun and didn't have to edit but once.
I wanted to show more than just pictures.
I feel as though a client needs to see what he is in for, good or bad.
And that I do know what I am doing when it come to fetish play~

I need to get my other suitcases out and show those too, maybe?
Any thoughts or ideas?