Conservative Justice Has A Price I Guess

My good friend Clarence has been living it up. So glad he’s super rich. He is, right? I mean he’s been superyachting it, private islanding, G5ing. Man, must be nice to be so wealthy you can be a Supreme Court Justice and live the life of a billionaire.

I did however hear something about him being subsidized by a billionaire GOP donor. Maybe that’s for his election though.

Who knows. I’ll look for the article on Fox about it.
Precious_b's Avatar
Let's not forget those threads where the ultra right here are raging about a certain trial and offspring of said judge but seem to ignore wife of this threads topic.

Can't have it both ways. Especially when one possibly should be held to a higher standard (any judge should be held to same standard.)
What is the price of liberal injustice??
Just to keep it in respective for you...

Fluid Race Baiting in the Press: Tying Alvin Bragg to a Billionaire Is Racist, but Acceptable for Clarence Thomas

AP Photo/Yuki Iwamura
Now, we are sure there is a difference here between Alvin Bragg and Clarence Thomas – we are certain of it!

While I was certain this was going to play out (I could not wait for it, in truth) I am a touch surprised it happened this quickly. The media is dependable for many things, and one of the growing characteristics is the practice of not thinking things through to a conclusion. The press is developing this tendency to rush in with declarations without regard to how it will play out or affect them down the road. Now, toss in their knee-jerk desire to leap with the accusation that something could be racist, and you have an inevitable fiasco in the works.

The latest example of this is taking place with the disastrous Donald Trump indictment. In looking over the motivations behind this, a number of right-of-center news outlets have been willing to point out how billionaire George Soros backed the campaign of District Attorney Alvin Bragg. In their default defense of the man who is going after Trump, the press has fallen back on their tired practice of charging racism – and somehow managed to fall on their faces.

Of course, any criticism of Bragg will be deemed racist, but then there is the other aspect, the accusation that critics (that is, those noting proven facts) of Soros are acting antisemitic. How showing the actions of one man is a bigoted slight on an entire class of people is never explained. This is a two-pronged defense maneuver being used, but the press has set itself up for failure.
It is revealing that for years it has been perfectly acceptable for the Democrats, the press, and leftists to derisively point out the Koch Brothers funding any number of conservative causes, but if you are to note Soros doing so as the largest individual donor to liberals and their causes, that is hateful. It was just on Wednesday in my daily media column that I pointed out Andrea Mitchell trotting out this racist/bigoted accusation, and I said this will be a touchstone to refer to whenever Justice Clarence Thomas receives his regular character attacks. Someday, we can charge journalists as being racist for criticizing Thomas.
It took all of one day for it to happen, and it concerns exactly the same aspects.
ProPublica has just released a report that ties Justice Thomas to a billionaire, Harlan Crow. The two men have known each other for decades, and many have said the two are genuine friends. Crow has supported the Thomases over the years in various ways, with trips and other benefactor acts. There is no proof of purchasing of influence, but the appearance of impropriety is woven throughout the piece, and Thomas is criticized for not reporting the various trips he has taken with Crow.

Not to rule if this is a serious accusation or not, but it does strike as a rampant contradiction that just as we are being lectured by the press not to address the connection of a billionaire with Alvin Bragg, we are then told to be deeply concerned about Clarence Thomas and his billionaire. There is a severe disconnect between these two instances.

If we are being told today that it is improper and invalid to look into a billionaire helping to fund a campaign that installed a man into a position, then why are we supposed to care about Thomas being gifted vacation jaunts, when there is no direct evidence of this leading to influence? That is not to say there is no influence involved, but none has been shown by Pro Publica. In truth, looking at the two cases it appears the influence seems to be far more prevalent in the case of Bragg.

Soros has worked for years to get his chosen DAs elected into offices across the country. As it stands, 70 DAs are in office with the aid of Soros. Last summer, he wrote in the Wall Street Journal about why he seeks out reform DAs. And yes, Alvin Bragg is part of this wave. The Color of Change PAC pledged to give Bragg’s campaign $1 million, and immediately Soros cut the group a check for $1 million. The lame attempts at distancing Soros from Bragg rest on the parsing of words; He gave money for Bragg’s campaign, but he did not give it TO his campaign. Additionally, Soros family members gave tens of thousands directly to Bragg.
But we are not supposed to care about any of that, and if you do care you are acting in a racist fashion. Also in an antisemitic fashion. Yet, while we are told to ignore a man placed in a powerful office to enact banana republic legal overreach, we are at the same time told to care how Clarence Thomas was given vacation access by a friend. Look, this is not about excusing away ethical problems, it is about remaining consistent.
If you are telling me that looking at the backing of a prominent black legal authority is wrong and racist, then I will have to say that looking into the backing of another prominent black legal authority is also wrong and racist. Unless…you are telling me there are two standards at play based on the political affiliations of those involved. If that is the case, I am about to tell you the manner in which you should vacate the premises.
  • Tiny
  • 04-06-2023, 01:50 PM
My honey Alexandria wants to impeach him:

lustylad's Avatar
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't there a reason SCOTUS justices are appointed for life?

Isn't it so they can't be "bought"? You know, the way our corrupt elected Democrats are routinely bought & paid for?

(Think Clinton Foundation, Biden family influence peddling schemes, etc.)

Might be more whiff of a scandal if you could point to a SCOTUS case involving one of Clarence's billionaire buddies (as a direct party) where he didn't recuse himself.
If Alvin is flying in a billionaire’s jet and chilling in a super yacht then I’ll say the same thing. But if simply saying he got donations from an organization which a billionaire donated isn’t even close to the same thing. But whataboutism is rampant from the right.
When the FACTS are pointed out the hypocrisy is on full display from the left with the 'your racist' or any of the other catch phrases they use, like aboutism...
It can't be about racism against Clarence Thomas because he left the plantation and he is now classified an 'uncle Tom'...see how that works.
No. Actually that’s incorrect. There are no facts that show any similarity between the actions of my old friend Clarence and Mr. Bragg. I wouldn’t really expect the likes of you to grasp anything though, since that might require common sense.
lustylad's Avatar
There are no facts that show any similarity between the actions of my old friend Clarence and Mr. Bragg. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

You're right.

Clarence, safely appointed on SCOTUS for life, was just chillin' with his buddy Harlan Crow.

Fat Alvin took millions in Soros money in return for his pledge that if elected Manhattan DA, he would find some way - any alleged "crime" will do - to indict Donald Trump.

No similarity between the two.
You are so right lusty...the forest doesn't obscure your view of the trees!!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
If Alvin is flying in a billionaire’s jet and chilling in a super yacht then I’ll say the same thing. But if simply saying he got donations from an organization which a billionaire donated isn’t even close to the same thing. But whataboutism is rampant from the right. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

Soros donated $1 million to the Color of Change PAC on May 14, 2021, according to the Federal Elections Commission. Soros' donation came less than a week after the Color of Change PAC endorsed Bragg in the race for Manhattan district attorney and pledged $1 million to help elect him.

So you equate a donation to a PAC that supported other candidates as well to chilling on a private island, super yacht and flying private on vacations which cost 100,000s of dollars for the past 20 years. Ok.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
So you equate a donation to a PAC that supported other candidates as well to chilling on a private island, super yacht and flying private on vacations which cost 100,000s of dollars for the past 20 years. Ok. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

so you deny Soros bought yet anther uber liberal DA to undermine law and order.

interesting position. maybe you should change your law specialty to being a woke DA and get George to give you some bucks.
So you equate a donation to a PAC that supported other candidates as well to chilling on a private island, super yacht and flying private on vacations which cost 100,000s of dollars for the past 20 years. Ok. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

I guess this part of the article is beyond your comprehension...I didn't expect you to comprehend the FACTS anyway

The Color of Change PAC pledged to give Bragg’s campaign $1 million, and immediately Soros cut the group a check for $1 million. The lame attempts at distancing Soros from Bragg rest on the parsing of words; He gave money for Bragg’s campaign, but he did not give it TO his campaign. Additionally, Soros family members gave tens of thousands directly to Bragg

Grace Preston's Avatar

Both of them are problematic as fuck.

I honestly wish Bragg would have left it alone and just waited on Georgia. Georgia has a much stronger case without all the excess baggage. But.. he didn't so he can enjoy the white hot spotlight.

Justice Thomas has been problematic from the word go-- this is just another thing on a long laundry list of things that make him an unethical fuck.