Finding Reviews

greyghost48's Avatar
Is there anyway to find reviews of a person that has no account on ECCIE but definately has reviews here? I know I could go to the review forum and page down until I found the latest but would like to find her entire group together like we can for a provider with an account here.
I don't know of non-Eccie providers having their reviews grouped together but could search using their phone number and maybe their names. I'm only saying 'maybe' with the names because a lot of the same names get used by different women.
greyghost48's Avatar
Even using the title search option, I don't think all reviewers would include her name in the title. And that search may only search first word alphabetically. But thanks for a reply.
Give this a try; Use Bing or Google and search like this: " 555-555-1212(her number)" and see if that will give you better results.
JustaGuyinMS's Avatar
One of the problems with non-ECCIE providers is that mods have to assign a name. Even when trying to be consistent, different mods assigned names in different ways. Here's what might happen with two mods assigning a review to a lady whose handle is GummyButt:

GummyButt on BP in Jackson

BP GummyButt

So, finding all the reviews for such a lady is not simple. I think RL has the best solution.

ck1942's Avatar
otoh, if you know that a certain hobbyist has posted a review, you could page through his reviews, too. And separately narrow the search to "factors" with his handle as the primary guide.

Also, narrowing the search factors to a single city forum where the reviews are most likely to be posted.
what RL said works the best for forums of all kinds