Who is actually "COOL WITH" (and can handle) having a Provider as an S.O.?

Having a few close Provider friends with S.O.'s...and with some of the other recent S.O.-type threads I have often wondered:

Who is actually "cool with" and can handle (EMOTIONALLY AS WELL AS PHYSICALLY) having a Provider as a serious girlfriend/wife?

- Does knowing about it bother you or truly turn you on?

- During rough spots, do you bring it up/throw it in her face?

- Do you only tolerate it, but secretly wish for her to stop Providing?

- How do you guys make it work? (What works for you?)

- Do get sexed up everynight or is she "tired" because of her daily appts.?
- Do you get put to the back burner or is it friggin AWESOME to be with someone who's so sexual?

- Are there trust or security issues? (being enough for her, etc.)

GOOD or BAD idea? Comments and opinions welcome!!

BTW - Off subject -
...Shout out to my ECCIE friend Jack Daniels ~ i'm still seeing double babe!
I can. Let me show you.
pmdelites's Avatar
lita, i have seriously considered it a few times and wondered how i would react.
i'm pretty much a laid back, you do your thing i'll do mine and let's leave it at that as long as we dont do bad things to each other.
[i would never throw it in her face - i'm not a vindictive/revengeful person]

so i think i could deal w/ my s.o. being a provider, but it'll be years before i get any sort of oppty to really really seriously consider doing that.

i think as long as we were straightforward w/ each other, enjoyed doing things together [movies, museums, dining, festivals, walking, etc], supported each other in our employment [if we're happy doing what we do, great], and made time for us as a couple [date nite, vacations, long easy weekends] without either of our employment impinging on us [no "honey, i GOTTA go see this guy cos i need the money or he'll never see me again"], i think it could work out.

btw, is this a looking-for-a-relationship threAD?? :^) :^) :^)
I don't think I could handle it. I'm a hypocrite that way.

There are so many reasons that I don't even know where to start...

But they all have to do with me, not the job. It all boils down to the least attractive traits in people: Jealousy, possessiveness, insecurity, selfishness, hypocrisy...

And if my SO was a provider i imagine that every one of these feelings would rear their ugly head.

And I could probably keep it to myself - for a while, anyway. After a while, it would start to wear on me.
Good question.

I would imagine its seems fun at first, having someone that everyone else has to make an appt to see. Knowing that she is desired by not only just him but lots of men.

However im sure that feeling wears rather quickly when 20 reviews pop up. Im sure jealously would come along. "Was he better than me" questions. Talking about work would be interesting.

It would take a strong dude to be actually cool with it.
It would take a strong dude to be actually cool with it. Originally Posted by lisa.lisa0302
Did you say my name lol

I think it might be a cool thing at first but after the novelty wears it might turn ugly. Not sure i can handle or ready 20 reviews discussing various activities even though it's just business. Or that one review thats takes place where boundaries may have been crossed.
Boltfan's Avatar
I love it.

It turns me on.

It is an extension of our swinging relationship.

Whether or not guys are paying for her time I like it when she goes out and has fun without me. We are to the point where we know we cannot be 100% of everything for each other sexually. I know I have fun when I have the time and budget to hobby so I damn sure won't get jealous if she does.
Billy Dynamite's Avatar
as a mans man, i couldn't do it either....I am a LEO and like to mark my terroritory by pissing on things and would not want to share my personal toys with anyone...just me tho..not judging others cause we are all different and wonderful.....
I love it.

It turns me on.

It is an extension of our swinging relationship.

Whether or not guys are paying for her time I like it when she goes out and has fun without me. We are to the point where we know we cannot be 100% of everything for each other sexually. I know I have fun when I have the time and budget to hobby so I damn sure won't get jealous if she does. Originally Posted by Boltfan
you're my hero i wish ALL guys were like that!
Surge's Avatar
  • Surge
  • 07-14-2011, 01:38 PM
I'd like to think that I can, mostly because I'm a confident person...

About several years ago I dated a provider exclusively and her job never bothered me. When we hung out, it was all about each other...It never bothered me when she would get calls or even if she talked about it...

Obviously I'm married and would never happen in real life, but I'd like to think that if that ever ended and I found the right person, it wouldn't bother me...

Just saying
Big Daddy Moose's Avatar
It would totally depend on how significant you wanted to be as the other.

The more significant you want to be, the more I would want exclusivity in return.
unipac69's Avatar
I can. Check out the review "unipac69's wife Lisa Cox". I know though that our lifestyle is not for everyone. I don't recommend it unless you are very secure in your relationship. A lot of breakups can happen because in the relationship can't handle it anymore. So this lifestyle is not for everyone. Actually it is probably suited for very few. But to answer the question. I am more than ok with it.
I don't think I could handle it. I'm a hypocrite that way. Originally Posted by TheBizz
Is it because of the "appointments" she sees on a daily basis? It would get to me as well, having sex with her after the other guys have seen her, I "shudder" at the thought!

But to think about it for a minute, the providers we do set appointments and have sex with have seen other hobbyists and we even pay them!

Kinda ironic, huh?
elgato111's Avatar
It all depends on how secure and confident we both are with the "real relationship" between us apart from her business. If everything works, and I know they don't always, but most of the time, then I would have not problem with her working the business.

And no I would not use the hobby as a weapon when we argued, and of course like all couples we would.