I want to buy a laptop

I am looking for a laptop.

I have looked online at Best Buy, walmart, Amazon, etc. and every time I pick one out they are out of stock or not available in my area.

Does anyone have any advice on where to find a new or verified refurbished laptop?

Preferably under $300, one that has Windows 10 or is eligible to upgrade to Windows 10.

4 gig of RAM
Any hard drive size
Intel Pentium or AMD quad core processor
don't care about which brand

There are a few at Best Buy that fit the above criteria, but was wondering if there are other places to buy.
Boltfan's Avatar
bored@home's Avatar
New or refurb at low price; check out tiger direct. I have not bought a laptop from them but have various other items and need to mention they freaking spam their "daily deals" multiple times a day at crazy hours and the reurbs are never as pretty as pictured.
WOMBAT's Avatar
Check Microcenter at 75 spring valley.
They have new and refurb.
  • zebra
  • 10-11-2015, 12:40 PM
Microcenter has refurbished computers at reasonable prices
New or refurb at low price; check out tiger direct. I have not bought a laptop from them but have various other items and need to mention they freaking spam their "daily deals" multiple times a day at crazy hours and the reurbs are never as pretty as pictured. Originally Posted by bored@home

Buyer Beware of Tiger Direct!!

It's been awhile but I had bought an Asus netbook. As soon as it arrived through shipping, it died on the first try and would not restart. Sent it back with the understanding I would be billed for a 2nd one and credited when the 1st one was returned. Ok.

The 2nd one is identical to the 1st and promptly died exactly the same. Called TG back and explained the issue. By then, the 1st netbook should've already been refunded to my credit card and I told them that's how it should be handled to avoid paying for two netbooks.

Sent the 2nd netbook back to TG to be refunded to my credit card, as well. This is where the charges became messy.

After talking to them over the phone, I discovered the purchases were NEVER taken off. Instead, TG went against my instructions and their promises -- an account was created WITHOUT my knowledge and permission. They had no intentions of returning the funds back to my card!!

They had the gall to ask if I wanted to try again for a 3rd attempt! I clearly told them that I WOULD NOT consider it since they deliberately ignored the agreements from start to finish.

TG continued to drag their feet to avoid addressing the issues. So, I had to contact the credit card company, relay the details and chargebacks were done to recover everything.

Do you want to get involved with a crap company like Tiger Direct?? I would seriously advise against it!

There are many options available, including:

Micro Center
New Egg
Deal News
Brad's Deals
Price Grabber

I also will NEVER do business with Best Buy!!

When one of my family members bought a laptop, Geek Squad installed extra programs and virus protection software.

Instead of accepting accountability for what happened, the employees tried to blame my cousin for burning up the hard drive. That's not possible because it hadn't left their store yet. The argument circled around for at least 2 weeks until another new laptop was handed over as replacement.

If you purchase anything, know what you're getting and be familiar with the merchandise.

Another instance with Best Buy:

They caused over $3000 of damages to my car and wanted to argue that they knew what they were doing when a new stereo, speakers, sub woofer and alarm was installed.

None of it worked right, even after several attempts to address the issues and being told nothing was wrong with the equipment. There's only 30 days to correct anything.

As a woman, I was treated as if I'm stupid and don't know how to operate my car or other things. Extremely insulting!

I finally got fed up with the constant BS and had to bring in a installation professional from another company and a friend (both are men) to confront the manager, take out everything and refund all of the money. The manager was convinced he had the bigger set of balls and wanted to stonewall me at every turn.

I flat out told him I would make sure the store would become mine in the end by pursuing in court. Which does he want -- make it right or face media coverage across every channel & other mediums and face public judgments. The only 2 options offered.

I kept all of the paperwork and documented the actions of the techs & managers. There was no way they could sweet talk their way out of it.

When I took the car elsewhere, it took 4 days to replace and fix everything.

Because of Best Buy, I can never run the hazard lights if needed because smoke will appear from the steering column. The wires were checked all the way through and down to the foot pedals -- still can't find the source of problems which didn't exist until Best Buy's 'trained' monkeys put their hands on the car. The power harnesses had been cut out vs simply disconnecting and removing. 4 of them at $150 each. Very expensive.

Again, do you really want to spend your money at either of these stores?? I wouldn't but that's been my experiences to deal with.

Crzytxn's Avatar
This may not help you, but I have have had excellent luck with Apple and Dell products over the years. Apple to me is the best....... Great products....excellent warranty and service. But they are expensive
  • zebra
  • 10-12-2015, 01:41 AM
Best Buy is a rippoff deluxe.

My sister worked there part time during the Christmas season last year and they belittled her every day. She finally had enough and ended up quitting over a over jealous manager who thought he had balls bigger than the Moon.

Funny his new automobile doesn't run anymore. A .41 mag penetrated the side of the block and caused major malfunctions to the engine. Hummm I wonder what a .44 mag would do ?
bored@home's Avatar
Buyer Beware of Tiger Direct!!
Do you want to get involved with a crap company like Tiger Direct?? I would seriously advise against it!
Originally Posted by Shea Veile
Thanks for the feedback! I have only bought small components here and there and a few refurb desktops (no issues other than appearance) but I value first hand experiences. The last few days I have seen some enticing deals in their email blast but your runaround with them will help weigh in on future purchase decisions.
billw1032's Avatar
My brother has bought several refurbished Dell laptops from the Dell Factory Outlet store online. He seemed generally happy with what he got. Be sure you are in the official Dell store, there are several imitators if you Google it.
Thanks Shea and everyone for all of the advice and stories
playerplano's Avatar
Hey neighbor I also suggest Microcenter. They have some great deals on open box items.

I got a dell with win7 a couple years ago for 250.00 and same warranty as new.
seanj317's Avatar
Amazon has a site that it sells refurbished or previously returned product at a discount. You might want to take a look there.
If you can wait a month, cyber monday / black friday, if not newegg.

My preferences for under $300: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Produc...NG&PageSize=30

Open book: http://www.newegg.com/All-Laptops-No...Category/ID-32

SSD If you can.