Wasted Efforts w/Madison

Mods, move if this is the correct forum if it doesn't belong here.

I am complaining about Trying to get to see one of the Madison girls

I started this process last week knowing they have a secure verification process, so I figured start early and get on the approved list would be the wat to go....NOT

1 hour before the scheduled get together with the Lady in town this week and she sends a email about getting the verifications done and could I send her my number(s) used to get verified a month ago with another girl. I did and here it is, Time to meet and was all prepared to enjoy, and here I sit, still waiting.

Well All I can say is if the experience is anything like the pre shown in this effort, I'm glad it didn't happen and I can save my ducks for something down the road.

Sorry Madison...I tried to get there working with in your rules and precautions and you failed miserably.