Pick your fighter:


1. Does anyone have any experience with either of these websites? Please feel free to leave comments or send me a personal message if you would feel more comfortable!
2. Pros and cons of both are welcome!
Fancyinheels's Avatar
I do with SLIXA, and they bite. I was on there for nearly 2 years as one of the original providers to get in as they launched, and I never had a single client come through! Wasn't worth the cost after the trial period. However, it's been a while, so perhaps the site has established a viable market base?

EROS has been around much longer, and was good for me, but the ad rates can be expensive, especially if a provider wants to be listed under several categories. Since I decided to fly lower under the radar anyway, I let my account lapse.

Irish luck in lusty promotion!
I appreciate you responding Fancy. Your opinion is definitely valued! Good points!
I do with SLIXA, and they bite. I was on there for nearly 2 years as one of the original providers to get in as they launched, and I never had a single client come through! Wasn't worth the cost after the trial period. However, it's been a while, so perhaps the site has established a viable market base?

EROS has been around much longer, and was good for me, but the ad rates can be expensive, especially if a provider wants to be listed under several categories. Since I decided to fly lower under the radar anyway, I let my account lapse.

Irish luck in lusty promotion!
Originally Posted by Fancyinheels
Fanso, affectionately nicknamed "red" on da board by da foooking great Shine, is an ecco great! Always willing ta lend a helping hand, which is why fanso table shall alwayz be laden WID da finest in everything, and her cupbaoard shall always be full of dat Jameson. Toodles....