Small business owners: Job creators or Tax Cheats?

Munchmasterman's Avatar
Not only are they not creating jobs during a time of record low taxes, they don't seem to want to pay the taxes they do owe. @$100 billion
why cant it be both
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-08-2012, 07:37 AM
tax laws make liars out of almost everyone especially those who trade kids around to get the earned income welfare thing
Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Link? Originally Posted by WTF
Google maybe "earned income credit abuse" or something similar, dude, and see what you get. I read that the general accounting office estimated that somewhere like from one-quarter to one-third of all such claims are fraudulently paid.

Haven't you been paying attention over the last half dozen or so years with changes in the tax forms and laws trying to get abuse ended with dependents and unscrupulous preparers and deceptive recipients.

Just being alive you have to hearall the stories
More proof that the Government does NOT need to raise taxes on anyone. Just collect the ones that are legally due now.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
No, we need another tax system. This system promotes cheating, and lends itself to loopholes to pay off political cronies. It is not even remotely fair, by anyone's standards, and never will be.
No, we need another tax system. This system promotes cheating, and lends itself to loopholes to pay off political cronies. It is not even remotely fair, by anyone's standards, and never will be. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

i think the single biggest cause of upper income people fudging is failed government. there is wide-spread rampant dissatisfaction with the waste, fraud, abuse, cronyism, self-aggrandizing "programs", continued propping up of failed programs, socialistic policies, wage scales and benefits of government workers at all levels. its a known waste, and who wants to contribute to waste? the budget frauds and accounting tricks and lack of candor and "washington speak" has been outed...there is no place for the frauds to hunker down. ...interest payments upon interest payments and the debt ceiling mounts.

when government no longer serves but corruptly controls, people rebel. there is no satisfaction in aiding that.

government has failed to bring along the assent of the people with its policies. when government fails, it has no righteous call on its people.

this government is too large (period).