MS MELISSA HAS GONE TO PORTLAND OR, AND GONE BACK TO SCHOOL. Originally Posted by jwj6oThen that would make TWO providers to do the exact same thing.
MissMelissa visits Tyler regularly. She has what you seek.My ex was real untaimed town there and wasn't very excited with that. Now with everyone shaved, kind of miss a little fur. Saw her profile and she looks real nice. I think the real truth is we still just get tired of the same old same old. SIGH!
MM Originally Posted by MuffinMan
My ex was real untaimed town there and wasn't very excited with that. Now with everyone shaved, kind of miss a little fur. Saw her profile and she looks real nice. I think the real truth is we still just get tired of the same old same old. SIGH! Originally Posted by HermosaNo wonder there is such wierd stuff being talked about on this forum. I was in the twilight forun. You folks have fun but I'm going back to the sand box. However, I did like the discussion about a little fur. See Ya.