For Dallas and Your Desire

queenV's Avatar
As most of you knw my fairy kink mothers are amazing. So please allow me to go on this emotional rant lol

YOU ALL KNOW I can be emotional LOL
BUT ANYWAYS...I feel these 2 ladies do not get enough appreciation in the hobby. I also cant go out to the world and share how amazing they are. So I will do it here.

First YOUR Desire you put up with me in the RL and hobby. She reached out to me and taught me how to be safe inh the hobby and verify the correct way.
Gents she literally is a bundle of joy and energy in a sexy fun sized body. She has reminded me over and over how much I love the hobby and than smacked my ass and told me to shape up.
She ran me a bubble bath and feed me after DALLAS & I first double ( I was naked as soon as I walked in the door) Most of us know its a EXPERIENCE with DALLAS! I had a blast. thats all I can say lol. Your desire knows she can never get rid of me now lol. I cant list everything thats amazing about her than we would be here all day! But thank you YD you sexy bitch lol

NOW THE LEGEND DALLAS. I mean come on there are no words but I will try. Without even meeting she mentored me, made me feel sexy and showed me some sexy tricks. Even when I test her mad she ALWAYS HAS SOMETHING POSITIVE TO SAY and than something kinky lol. She texts me to check on me and has told anyone she can about me ALL OVER THE US. I do not think I can ever be the fun and kinky woman she is but damn I will always try to live up to her in the hobby. You love all and treat everyone with respect. Even when they dont deserve it. So Thank you so much for caring enough for me and having my back.

WITHOUT them I would have probaly been swallowed alive not and not made it and quit by now

SO I am ASKING EVERYONE TO stop the negative and please share your favorite POSITIVE memory of these SEXY, KINKY, CRAZY but LOVING LADIES!

malwoody's Avatar
SO I am ASKING EVERYONE TO stop the negative and please share your favorite POSITIVE memory of these SEXY, KINKY, CRAZY but LOVING LADIES!
OK RANT OVER! Originally Posted by queenV
Ok Sweetie,

I'm just curious where you are seeing anyone talking shit on YD and DR...?? I'm looking around and I ain't seeing anything "negative", so if you could please enlighten me I would be grateful. What forum/s are you referring to??
queenV's Avatar
I never said I saw anything negative about them. I was texting both of them today about how grateful I am for them. I don't think I have ever seen anything negative about them in any forms actually. So are you referring to when I said something about being positive and not negative?
I thought I would just so how thankful I am for them. I mean they are amazing women in the hobby and RL.
So Im sorry for the confusion, I hope that helps.
malwoody's Avatar
SO I am ASKING EVERYONE TO stop the negative Originally Posted by queenV
With respect, what "negative" were you referring to?
I believe it to be a fair question
queenV's Avatar
Some of the negative post that I have commented to on the past in threads. Im sorry if that hit a nerve. I mean I can go and name the threads if you would like.
I was truly trying to say something positive about them.
queenV's Avatar
I was just trying to get everyone involved on saying something nice about Dallas and YD. I didnt think it would cause a problem
CryptKicker's Avatar
You are right Queen. There is a lot of negativity on this site. We try to control what we can within the guidelines but that is clearly not enough. I fail to understand why some members decide it's okay to run down someone that is not their cup of tea. Everyone is not for everybody but there is a type for everyone. If the lady is not your type then move along. NO need to run her down because she is not for you. People on this site simply need to grow up in my opinion.
malwoody's Avatar

WITHOUT them I would have probaly been swallowed alive not and not made it and quit by now

SO I am ASKING EVERYONE TO stop the negative and please share your favorite POSITIVE memory of these SEXY, KINKY, CRAZY but LOVING LADIES!


Originally Posted by queenV

You didn't "hit a nerve" nor cause a "problem." As I read your post I took it to say stop any negative about your friends and I still can't see what negative you were referring to. I certainly can't think of any negatives and don't know of anyone else who does, so I guess I'm just not perceptive enough to understand what you are saying. Once again, I was just seeking to clarify a remark and I apologize if I hit a nerve.

Have a nice day...
malwoody's Avatar
There is a lot of negativity on this site. Originally Posted by CryptKicker

I couldn't agree more, I was just curious where any of this negativity was concerning YD and DR? I've not seen it in any forums and I have no idea why anyone would have anything bad to say. I will now head back over to the state of ambiquity and shall remain clueless...
Jadec5717's Avatar
Agreed! We need more positivity on this site!
queenV's Avatar
Ok I will re word it, Im sorry if it was confusinhg,
On ALMOST EVERY THREAD on this site there is always a rude and negative comment. It does NOT matter what it is about someone is rude. I DIDN NOT MEAN TO Imply that ANYONE had said anything bad about them. I just wanted it know that I would appreciate that no one say anything negative in general.
So my apology for the confusion. So now that this thread is basically ruined we should just close it.
CryptKicker's Avatar
Closed at lady's request.