Yep, I did it again!

Some may remember my post about helping 'Teezy' out to the tune of $800 even tho I had never laid eyes on her in person. We were trying to set up a mutually agreeable date and she told me she had a sick baby and I could hear a child crying in the background. I sent her 800 bucks in three installments to help her with rent and meds with the promise it would be paid back in services. Yeah, right.

I had another bad experience with a provider I had seen on 3 occasions and written a very positive review for (on another site). I saw Honey' on 3 occasions and paid her over $2k plus bought her meals and sent her jewelry for Valentines Day. I thought we had a great thing going and was looking forward to seeing her on a regular basis for a long term commitment. After the 3rd visit she came down with a flu bug and lost her voice completely and couldn't work as a provider or her other job as a topless dancer at Dallas' premier topless club 'The Lodge'. She told me she was behind on her rent payment and had also had a fender bender in her Porsche (which I'm pretty sure is being furnished to her by a lenient Sugar Daddy) and I volunteered to help her with a $800 loan to be paid back in services. She gave me a friend's bank account number and asked me to make the deposit in it. I had to drive 40 miles from my home to get to a branch of the bank she gave me the account # for. When I made the cash deposit, I was grilled by a loan officer as to whether I knew the account holder and what the money was for, also having to furnish my drivers license as ID. I even upped the amount to $1100 thinking that she would treat me extra special with her talented pussy that I was so crazy about. I gave her the info that the deposit was made and the amount and immediately could not contact her either by telephone, SMS message or email. Since she was ill, I wasn't too alarmed for a couple of days but after two weeks went by it was painfully obvious that she had no intention of ever paying back the money or talking to me again. I was getting very angry at this point about trying to help someone out of a jam and being crapped on for my efforts. I began sending her threatening messages that I was going to out her as a thief* on P411, TER and ECCIE, all of which* we're both a member of. Getting no response, I did in fact contact the branch manager of the Wells Fargo branch where I made the deposit and told her what had happened and that I wanted to see if any federal law had been broken for using an account fraudulently for illegal purposes (prostitution) and if there was any way they could help me. They informed me all they could was put a flag on the account and it would be difficult for the owner to make cash deposits going forward.
I sent Honey a message explaining what I had done and it finally got a SMS response telling me I had 'taken this to another level and would regret it.' I asked her what she would have done under similar circumstances and got no answer. She then told me she would repay me and would call me when it was 'more convenient'. I guess it hasn't been more convenient as I've not heard another word from her despite begging her to call me and try to work something out or I would contact every organization and write her up for being a thief. So that's pretty much it, I'm writing this to make people aware that she is one of the best lays ever, just watch your wallet and don't fall for her 'wants to build a relationship' crap and if she says it's daylight outside it's best to open the blinds and check for yourself.

Finkle's Avatar

You is dumb.

You is dumb. Originally Posted by Finkle
No shit, Sherlock.
mrredcat43's Avatar
Since you like giving your money away, I need a loan
Ok so what is this ladies name ?
I mentioned it in the article. Honey is one name she goes by on one screening site. (Don't know if it's kosher to mention other site's names or not). I first made contact with her on Ashley Madison where she uses 'Honey Daniels'. She is extremely careful not to reveal any personal details. She's obviously part black and something but doesn't show it very much. Sad thing is she denies her ethnicity, like maybe she's ashamed of it. She claims to be half Columbian and half Italian, but when you're around her awhile, there's no doubt she's part black. And she rooms with a black girl who is also a provider. She's a sweetheart when you first meet her, great personality, absolutely gorgeous, not much titty but nipples that are as big as the thimble your grandmother used to use. To say she's got a talented pussy is an understatement. Terrible at TCB. Tight, slender body and knows how to use every bit of it.

Since you like giving your money away, I need a loan Originally Posted by mrredcat43
Are you a good kisser? lol

I do remember you from the first time with the baby excuse and you allow your kindness to be taken advantage of again! Please don't take offense, but I don't feel sorry for you this time. You didn't wise up from the first time and now you get con for $1100 bucks, SMH! I do appreciate the warning, but this is just insanity!
TheEccie214's Avatar
Hopefully you've now learned most of these girls don't have other options and selling their body is the only way they can or are willing to make a living. When they go to that stage of life any resemblance of morales are long gone. I gave plenty away and you learn the cold hard truth that there here to run their hustle and you're here to run yours.
Yeah, that's a lesson I've had a hard time learning. I've always been a generous person to friends and needy people, but I agree I need to have a steel heart and backbone if participating in this hobby.

I do remember you from the first time with the baby excuse and you allow your kindness to be taken advantage of again! Please don't take offense, but I don't feel sorry for you this time. You didn't wise up from the first time and now you get con for $1100 bucks, SMH! I do appreciate the warning, but this is just insanity! Originally Posted by izzy32
Don't remember asking for sympathy. Just wrote this as a 'beware' to others.

Yet another idiot added to my ignore list.
Don't remember asking for sympathy. Just wrote this as a 'beware' to others.

5Speed Originally Posted by gl18005speed
Rokko is that you?? thought youd got counseling for this problem
corona's Avatar
Don't remember asking for sympathy. Just wrote this as a 'beware' to others.

5Speed Originally Posted by gl18005speed
beware of what, your stupidity?
Don't remember asking for sympathy. Just wrote this as a 'beware' to others.

5Speed Originally Posted by gl18005speed
want to get every dollar back in your pocket?? I require 50% of the total in cash upfront....and i'll make you whole, like these bad hoe dreams never happened!!
on the real