what is ECCIE actually used for?

  • !VI!
  • 11-27-2013, 07:42 AM
i want to know a truth

to be honest it is ridiculous the number of posts on serious issues i see on eccie, and the careless or sarcastic responses i see on them.

From what i was told eccie was, it's a social hobby site used to share information on goods and bads of the hobby.

Based on what if seen, the type of clients i've known are proud eccie members, the ladys responses to how people talk about them etc. This site seems t be more about who can make the most BS happen and how much drama can be spread lol

LITERALLY THE LAST 5 ECCIE MEMBERS who have contacted me, wanted to know the dirt and EXACTLY WHY i posted the alerts on the people i did.

both Jason and Chanson seem to be narcissistic asses, but at least Jason i saw

i have rejected more eccie members since i started earlier this year for all these reasons.

at one point i had access to both private sections (everyone knows this)

and i wanted to see, exactly what was the point

Drama... everything i saw in private where just guys stroking their ego and talking mad shit or blowing their head up, honestly what is the point... i got banned because and i quote " The mens section is for private discussion between the men om ECCIE and they felt their privacy was jeopardized by a woman being able to see everything they post?" the hell

what most ladys don't know are most ROS's a vastly OVER EXAGGERATED, but more then that 80% of the private "comments" are either guys who are too afraid to say whats really on their mind, or cock holsters looking for drama

its to the point to where ladies won't defend themselves because its seen as a sin on here... i've seen FAKE reviews on people and who have tried to defend them selves and gotten banned or infractions because they are saying they never met the member lol.
Luke Skywalker's Avatar
"Cogito Ergo sum"

"It is not enough to have a good mind; the main thing is to use it well"

"I'm indeed amazed how weak my mind is and how prone to error"

"I may disagree with your opinion, but I will defend to the death your right to say it"

All quotes from Reneé Descartes
I thought the ros was so guys can be honest in what went on with their encounter....
  • !VI!
  • 11-27-2013, 08:00 AM
I thought the ros was so guys can be honest in what went on with their encounter.... Originally Posted by Boriqua
why would that need to be hidden? especially if ladies can't respond to it
Would there be backlash from providers for someone stating they did not enjoy their time for this reason or that? I have no idea, I've yet to make the jump and book a session with anyone or have access to ros but I can see the reasoning for it.....
NearHauteRed's Avatar
Welcome to Eccie!! It will not get any better (the drama anyway). Speaking in general terms, most members of the board here deem themselves untouchable and some sort of god who has a right and it is there purpose on here to be sarcastic and judgmental of all others and unfortunately, they get away with it. There is nothing really and truly private because it it were, it would be between you and the bedpost, over the information highway for all to see, never a private discussion will be as there will always be those people that will reveal supposed private info, that is just that way it is. Until this site gets a verification system put in place for reviews (never will happen here) then the fake and embellished will continue to be awarded PA and many of the embellished reviewers that did actually see the provider they reviewed, but the session did not happen quite like that and even some of the fake review writers get revered as the conquistador of reviewers due to the fabulous reads they are.
NearHauteRed's Avatar
Would there be backlash from providers for someone stating they did not enjoy their time for this reason or that? I have no idea, I've yet to make the jump and book a session with anyone or have access to ros but I can see the reasoning for it..... Originally Posted by Boriqua
Yes, would you like to be introduced to her? she is one of the most popular providers we have here in Dallas!
dallasfan's Avatar
You are not doing yourself any favors posting things like this.

First you just incriminated yourself that you set up a fake account to get access to the men's lounge.

Secondly. Eccie likely makes up the majority of your clients even when you post on Bp.

These drama filled threads only deter people from seeing you.
Sleepy363's Avatar
So why did you come back exactly? Just to let us know how bad eccie guys are and how you don't need it?
This seems like he is starting the same drama about which he is complaining and y'all jump right in.
LucadeJure's Avatar
Welcome to what the ancient philosophers called the "Human Condition". Nothing man can create remains unspoiled for very long. When one allows the asshats to raise an emotional response ... they've won.

In the age of the internet keyboard warrior whose true identity remains hidden, the general community will always be forced to endure their lack of social grace.

The choices; exert strong self discipline and erase a majority of the posts you want to post ... or stay away and just go about one's business of being the best Hobbyist or Provider one can be.
  • !VI!
  • 11-27-2013, 08:47 AM
like this guy who decided to message me this morning


granted he contacted me, lookiing for drama

i told him to fuck off

and he's been throwing a toodler tantrum since
  • !VI!
  • 11-27-2013, 08:50 AM
Welcome to what the ancient philosophers called the "Human Condition". Nothing man can create remains unspoiled for very long. When one allows the asshats to raise an emotional response ... they've won.

In the age of the internet keyboard warrior whose true identity remains hidden, the general community will always be forced to endure their lack of social grace.

The choices; exert strong self discipline and erase a majority of the posts you want to post ... or stay away and just go about one's business of being the best Hobbyist or Provider one can be. Originally Posted by LucadeJure
to me i have always felt, no one should ever be forced to be bullied, itswhat makes the world so bad now

and to me this isn't a job lol this is fun, (as a said many times before) i don't need the money its just fun t have lol,

and no less then 11 percent of my clients are from eccie, those who are are usually also p411
NearHauteRed's Avatar
like this guy who decided to message me this morning


granted he contacted me, lookiing for drama

i told him to fuck off

and he's been throwing a toodler tantrum since Originally Posted by Wulf_Princess
There is nothing you can do about guys like that, just change your number and give only to previous clients and clients that make an appointment with you. If a guy PMs you to death like the texts you are getting, send the PMs to the mods. Always keep communications like that and send them to the appropriate parties that can take action on them and they will cease.
bored@home's Avatar
I believe you have been given this advice before but here goes again; remove your number...use email/pm for initial contact and screening....or don't and have fun with it.
1. Answer all calls with a Miss Cleo accent
2. Speak jive
3. Every 30 seconds ask for the "password"
4. State the current time and temp
5. Ask if they would interested in magazine subscriptions