Encounter: Asian Surprise at Wen Xin

martiniwithonion's Avatar
Date: 9/5/2020
Name: Lucy, could be RooCee
Phone: (315) 937-8383
Email Address: -
URL / Website: -
City: Liverpool
State: New York
Address: Old Liverpool Rd Liverpool, NY
Hair Length and Color: Brown in a bun
Age: 40+
Smoking Status: I Couldn't Tell
Ethnic Background: Asian
Physical Description: Fairly fit, had a skirt on and top that showed cleavage
Recommendation: Yes
rooster's Avatar

You boyz crack me up.... Whew. Some ol round-eye simp makin her...happy. Even though she BB's cucks all day long...

martiniwithonion's Avatar
Why so hostile Roo?
I'm just saying what happened in ROS and putting a value on the tip based on what transpired.
martiniwithonion's Avatar
Rd, seemed to be headed that way.......didn't want to risk an Asian surprise down the road
rooster's Avatar
Why so hostile Roo?
I'm just saying what happened in ROS and putting a value on the tip based on what transpired. Originally Posted by martiniwithonion
T'aint hostility. It's appreciation. Ol roo luvs nuthin more than readin on here all day long about how simps make gals come like crazy. Well...that and how big alla yer joints are, of course.

Now.....some would also have the gall to say you shorted a gal on her tip. They just don't get it!

NOT ROO! He understands. THEY should be payin YOU.

Originally Posted by rhettdog
Zackkly! This is just what I mean. And to thinck that some call it "acting." Some even have the audacity to say that it is simply someone doin their job...

Again, roo gets it!

You boyz is all my heroes....

Though I am heartbroken that you continually misunderstand my good intentions....

martiniwithonion's Avatar
Well said Rooster
martiniwithonion's Avatar