Wow! That is just wrong in so many ways..what a shame.

melannie_star's Avatar
I came across this story this morning and thought I would share.
That really sucks. Scumbags despite their uniform/profession.
Laura Lynn's Avatar
That is the worst. I love me some firemen, but will say some are crazy sick fuckers.
Fancyinheels's Avatar
That is some sick stuff. Makes you wonder what else they've gotten away with that hasn't come to light yet, and OMG, the poor families! If these allegations are proved true and I was one of their wives, I'd be in divorce court faster than a $20 quickie, then family court to make sure my kids NEVER saw their depraved sperm donor again.
pyramider's Avatar
I am sure there is much worse to come out. The thing that got me was the Captain watched. Correct me if I am wrong, but aren't Captains like on the spot managers? I expect a lot more out of a manager.
Chung Tran's Avatar
I don't understand how 5 guys come together to engage in depravity? that may be part of the problem.... guys that spend a lot of "down time" together... for many years... and their form of bonding gets out of control... and the supervisor becomes "one of the guys"
Jazzplayer's Avatar
They will get theirs.... Just horrible.
LazurusLong's Avatar
Better direct link to this article about a firehouse in Shreveport.

"HREVEPORT, LA (KSLA) - A fifth firefighter has been charged in connection with the ongoing investigation into alleged criminal activity at Shreveport's Fire Station 8.

Firefighter Randy Chandler was booked on one count of cruelty to the infirm just before 6 p.m. Wednesday into the Caddo Correctional Center, a short time after a warrant was issued for his arrest. He was free on $100,000 bond before 7:30 p.m. "

Link provides the rest of the information.

I'm actually wondering about the prostitute who they hired.

"The firefighters are also accused of chipping in to pay for a prostitute for one of the men, described as a severely mentally challenged 58-year-old man with "the mind of an 8 or 9-year-old child." According to the documents, the man was ordered to have sex with the prostitute in the restroom at Fire Station 8 while Captain Derrick Harris and four others looked on."

Yes, the fire fighters need punished but whoever they hired should take a look deep inside herself and wonder why she went along with that crap.
dallasfan's Avatar
I think it sounds bad on the surface but there was probably no ill intent in it.

The fire guys fed these homeless man daily, let them hang around the station, sent these men to Disney world, and made sure they got some.

What's so bad about that?

Now what kind of funds did they use to do all this. Shreveport is probably one of the most corrupt cities.