Ladies, how do you handle it when you pull a NC/NS?

citizen44's Avatar
This isn't to call anyone out, or even debate whether it should ever happen. Life happens to all of us.

For what ever the reason, if you unfortunately have had this happen (or if you've have even contemplated what you would do if it were to happen in the future), how did/would you handle it with the client afterward?

1). Text "Sorry about that, my mother/brother/kid called and I had to run because X." Leave it at that and go on about your business.
2). Text "I'm sorry about that baby, let me make it up to you by..."
3). Block the clients number before he can even call and act like they don't exist
4). ?
5). ?

It would seem that even the newest of providers would realize that loosing clients is bad and they would want to prevent a bunch of negative comments in future reviews and NC/NS posts that will pull up on every search in the future.

Thoughts LADIES?

IF, and that's a BIG IF, I were to pull a NC/NS I wouldn't call or show up.

If you text that you can't make it, I don't think that is NC/NS

Nor'easter's Avatar

IF, and that's a BIG IF, I were to pull a NC/NS I wouldn't call or show up.

If you text that you can't make it, I don't think that is NC/NS

smh Originally Posted by heidilynnla
Ok, I'll bite. I think it all depends WHEN you send the text saying that you "can't make it". Texts, phone calls, smoke signals or any other notification 10 minutes before the appointment is a NC/NS. Period. By that time, your client has left work and is driving in Houston traffic en route to your incall and the old "something came up" or "just started my cycle" doesn't hold water. An hour... ok, I'll give you that, but anything longer is simply inconsiderate.
Ok, I'll bite. I think it all depends WHEN you send the text saying that you "can't make it". Texts, phone calls, smoke signals or any other notification 10 minutes before the appointment is a NC/NS. Period. By that time, your client has left work and is driving in Houston traffic en route to your incall and the old "something came up" or "just started my cycle" doesn't hold water. An hour... ok, I'll give you that, but anything longer is simply inconsiderate. Originally Posted by Nor'easter
I think that the sooner they (client or escort) lets the other know they have to cancel for whatever reason the better... a few times I had to cancel like 2-3 hours after I set the appointment for the next day. Never got a bad rap about since it gave her time to arrange other plans.
Nor'easter's Avatar
I think that the sooner they (client or escort) lets the other know they have to cancel for whatever reason the better... a few times I had to cancel like 2-3 hours after I set the appointment for the next day. Never got a bad rap about since it gave her time to arrange other plans. Originally Posted by Mr. GPop
Yes, I meant bad. Hopefully, it was obvious what was meant, but thanks.
Fancyinheels's Avatar
Never done a NC/NS. I had to cancel from the back of an ambulance once on the way to a hospital after a car wreck.

I don't have much patience for ladies who can't find a single minute just to call or text, and I prefer calling over texting as it is just more polite and expedient, followed up by an apologetic email/text/PM or perhaps all three if I had to leave a voicemail.

I believe that the latest I have ever cancelled on someone was the morning of an afternoon appointment, maybe 3 hours prior, because my tummy was violently rejecting dinner from a Thai joint the night before. I gave the understanding gentleman extra time to compensate when we did finally get together.
Ur_1_only's Avatar
That seems fair Fancy to give extra time... IJS
Russ38's Avatar
Don't even wanna get started on this topic after this week.....
I always text or call. ♥
Alyssa XOXO's Avatar
If I ever need to reschedule, I offer a discount for the inconvenience and always grant it I would much rather see you later than never at all. Pulling a NC/NS is very inconsiderate for both parties involved.
I've never pulled a nc/ns on anyone
Nor'easter's Avatar
Never done a NC/NS. I had to cancel from the back of an ambulance once on the way to a hospital after a car wreck.

I don't have much patience for ladies who can't find a single minute just to call or text, and I prefer calling over texting as it is just more polite and expedient, followed up by an apologetic email/text/PM or perhaps all three if I had to leave a voicemail.

I believe that the latest I have ever cancelled on someone was the morning of an afternoon appointment, maybe 3 hours prior, because my tummy was violently rejecting dinner from a Thai joint the night before. I gave the understanding gentleman extra time to compensate when we did finally get together.
Originally Posted by Fancyinheels
Ambulance my ass... unless they have to intubate you, it's game on as far as I'm concerned

Kidding aside, all the ladies... and for that matter the guys... would do well to adopt your professional attitude. And we'll let the Thai thing slide as well. There are a wide variety of deviant tastes in evidence around here, but I don't know of anyone with a vomit fetish.
Dorian Gray's Avatar
What's the over under on those that'll claim they NEVER no call no show?
Russ38's Avatar
^^^^^ I'd love to see those numbers
This is either a trick question or an incredibly stupid thread topic.

To even begin to answer the question one would have to admit they ncns people.

That's like asking "when you have an std, do you tell your sex partner or do you just let them figure it out on their own?".