Business Cards

Do independent providers use business cards? A couple agencies I was with in the past (several years ago)gave me cards to hand out when they sent me on calls. I was thinking about having cards made but Im not sure how people feel about this. Any suggestions or advice?
We throw them away, EVERYTIME!
thanks, thats what I thought, just wanted to see if anyone appreciated a business card or not, I have had requests from time to time, but rarely.
Gryphon's Avatar
We throw them away, EVERYTIME! Originally Posted by cpi3000

Absolutely. If I've seen a provider, obviously I've already contacted her in one way or another. If I'm going back it's unlikely I'll forget how to reach her. There's another word for provider business cards: Evidence.
Bubba's Avatar
  • Bubba
  • 04-10-2010, 07:52 AM
I agree with the thoughts the trash they go.

This discussion came up a few years ago on ASPD. One of the problems that came up during that discussion is that business cards give LE one more thing to link to you! In addition, many ladies don't like giving out their phone numbers until the guy has been screened. If you give out business cards you have lost one more level of control over who sees your information.
When I first started I had some business cards. They only got me a couple of clients. Not worth the hassle or the waste of time and paper they're printed on.
pyramider's Avatar
The thing to remember is being discrete. Cards while they may serve a purpose also has many more negatives than positives. Discretion is always a winner.
midwestmonique's Avatar
I have a somewhat different opinion on the biz card discussion. Obviously giving someone a card that you've just had an appt with is worthless, but I've found myself in several instances where I wish I had a card to hand out. I was in harrisonville the other day at a gas station and found myself being stared at by about 6 construction workers. If I had a biz card, I probably would have gotten at least one new client out of the deal. You don't have to put all your info on the card, and trust me, if the cops bust you, they have enough evidence without the card.
Discretion is the keyword to this business, period.

Monique, if you can hand out cards to guys and get a client out of it, you go girl. Myself, I'm way too private and don't need people I see on the streets, a bar or whatever the setting is to know what I do.
I once had a girl give me a coupon off my next service...but alas I threw it away. No evidence, whatsoever. So I would just throw away a card as well.
IMHO a business card is worse than glitter or strong smelling perfume. I've been a wife. I've been nosey. A business card is evidence for a SO or LE and is not only unnecessary but something else to worry about after deleting the phone call etc. If they have the internet and the desire they will find you.
midwestmonique's Avatar
I understand the need for privacy! Me, everyone I know, knows what I do! Ain't no shame in my game and I could give a shiz less what people think or say about me. My theory is if you don't like it, keep it movin! I just got tired of making up jobs and answering those where are you going now questions. And I don't care if the card gets thrown away, pretty sure my website isn't a hard one to remember, plus they are pretty cheap, and like I said, if le busts you, they don't need a card to throw your a** in jail. And you generally never make it to trial to even look at evidence. But while everyone is worried about it being evidence for le, what the hell do you think an ad is, or better yet, a personal website? As for hiding evidence from the wifey, I'm all about it! She doesn't need to memorize the website on the card, then throw it away or pass it on to a single buddy. Or here's an idea...if someone hands you a card and it looks like it could get you in trouble, give it back. I really think people make things harder than it has to be.
I have came to the conclusion that business cards are a waste, so I will not be getting them. I have used them before and I disagree that they are all thrown away, I believe most or all men who are married are likey to throw them away, but less than half of my clients are married and half of those do not even have a girlfriend. These are the guys requesting cards. as far as le, they dont need any evidence to bust you anymore, they just need us to knock on their door with phone that has the same number that is posted on an ad. midwestmonique you are absolutely right, if you dont want it,dont take it, easy as that, i appreciate everybodys view on this, i dont think there really is a right or wrong on this subject but ive decided its not for me, i dont need any more junk in my purse, lol!