Trump's tweets

Simple question. Do you think Trump should use tweeter in a more responsible manner? Yes or no will suffice. Lets say on topic and not bring up,Obama or Hillary
gfejunkie's Avatar
Doesn't matter. He's going to use it however he chooses. It's a First Amendment thing.
I think it tends to make him look immature and act like a 7th grader. He does need to grow thicker skin and quit worrying about what everyone of his detractors think of him.

I also think he is getting a pretty raw deal in the press from the get go. Does it lower my view or is this not proper of a White House? No. I think he is doing a good job.

If both parties hate you, then you are probably doing it the right way.

and by the way I did note vote for him or Hillary. I voted Libertarian.
Cap'n Crunch's Avatar
Yes, he should be more responsible.
Cap'n Crunch's Avatar
Many third party voters, assumed that, if elected, Trump would act presidential and not be the embarrassment he was on the campaign trail. They figured his sexist comments, making fun of the disabled and minorities, kissing Putin's ass, and behaving in a "grab 'em by the pussy" manner would be replaced with a presidential respectability.

Sadly, a shift to 'dignified" and 'respectable" never happened. Many third party voters (not referring to you, Ralphy) guessed wrong. Trump continues to be an utter disgrace. So, yes, Trump should be more responsible, but that is not in his DNA.

His DNA is pure "Uhh, I don’t know what I said. Uhh, I don’t remember" and "Grab 'em by the pussy"...
No - Trump is Trump - he is kicking ass and taking names.
Gabe Asher's Avatar
I can think of more important political matters than twitter. Like sky high crime. Drugs coming in through our borders and ports. Our schools becoming unsafe. And all the problems that come with rampant third world immigration.

But no, trump saying things on twitter is more important.
gfejunkie's Avatar
The hopelessly deranged give more importance to the President's tweets than they deserve.

It's all they've got.

I just enjoy the entertainment value and how it drives the media to further derangement. With each tweet they lose more and more credibility. (See crunch's posts for the epitome of derangement. He buys all their bullshit.)
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
I said a long time ago that he should cease with the tweets. It makes him look petty. He is POTUS, arguably the most important position in the world. To go after people like Meryl Streep, Mika Brzezinski, and John Lewis on twitter has absolutely no upside and plenty of downside. Gabe Asher nailed it. Focus on what is REALLY important in this country.

However, some people call his demeaning tweets "kicking ass". Give me a break.