senator Mitch McConnell on Speaker Nancy Pelosi's political instincts

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
The Senate Moved to Acquit Trump. Now McConnell Is Opening Up About Pelosi's 'Political Instincts.'

"I'm pretty sure she didn't want to do this," McConnell said. "But the fact that she was pulled into this direction, against what appeared to be her political instincts a year ago, underscores that this was a purely political exercise."

"Now, having been dragged into something she instinctively felt was a mistake and the second impulse was 'Let's get this over as quickly as possible. Get it out of here. Get it over in the other body and let them deal with it,'" he explained. "So that's why you had an abbreviated, truncated rush job in the House."

Most of the freshmen in the House campaigned on impeaching President Trump. Why? Because it motivated their base.

This sham impeachment process has done nothing but push independents and skeptics into Trump's corner.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
McConnel's opinionof pisslosi makes sense. say what you will of him, he' ain't stupid.

Looks like Pisslosi got caught between 2 hard rocks.

she's past her expiration date as speaker, the job should have gone to a younger person who'd have more energy and stamina to ignore the rabble rousers.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
I've mentioned same before. Last summer she was quoted as needing to be carefull deliberate, etc. She was strong armed by other Dims. Thus. Schift got to be the lead. But even so, her attitude last couple months has done nothing except to damage her electability. Folks that fund political elections are capitalists, and they have long memories.