Porn star encounter

I met a dancer a few nights ago that turned out to be a published porn star. She showed her pornhub page but I was so distracted I did not get the name correct.

Brown skinned AA girl, 21, 5'8" bare foot, slim, nice c or d cups pierced nipples. Had a long blonde wig on.Very hot and lots of fun. Works at Bucks cabaret Dallas days. Started Friday night at cab east. If you know who she is, please DM me.

What club?
Generic White Guy's Avatar
What club? Originally Posted by italian8527


Works at Bucks cabaret Dallas days. Started Friday night at cab east.
What's her pornstar name and dancer name
Interesting. I would like to go check her out too.
Wonder who
Be realistic. Any slut can do a few videos. Would a porn "star" be stripping in Dallas?

Doing porn doesn't make you a star.
I hooked up Scarlett sommers off SA couple years ago few times her place overnight, now she is pornstar that's her xxx name but she has Instagram and onlyfans lol she was hot but I like her blonde better
Yea actualy, they do. But, I saw her Pornhub videos, really hot. Just forgot the name