Thinking of getting new dog, thoughts on Blue Heeler or German Shepherd

Considering a Blue Heeler or German Shepherd. I want a very loyal dog. Leaning more towards heeler over shepherd because size. Had a lab before that was 75 pounds and was harder to travel with in the truck. Thinking an under 40 lbs dog would be better this time.

Any thoughts or suggestions?
Fishpie's Avatar
Any dog is loyal as long as you treat and train it right. It seems like you're looking for a dog that has above average intelligence level so you can do more with it besides it being a purse dog. Majority of them are going to be over 40 lbs.
American Bulldog.
loveitdou's Avatar
Blew Heeler! Very smart dogs and very protective of his/her family.
TheCat'sMeow's Avatar
German Shepherds are great dogs but there is documentation that this breed has a bad track record for biting strangers,,,These dogs also need a lot of exercise so expect a lot of trips to the local park if you can find one in Houston.
If you are leaning blue heeler you should look at Australian Shepherd. I've had heeled and Aussie. Heelers are good to their owners but big the shit out of visitors with their constant heel nipping. They are constantly trying to figure out where they are in the pecking order. Aussies are cross between heeler and border collie very intelligent and even tempered and are comfortable with where they are in the pecking order. Just my .02
I was attacked by a family member's aggressive german shepherd.
(I was NOT a stranger & was minding my own business. Mind you I have volunteered at the Human Society & consider myself to be a big animal lover. It was unprovoked.) I know one dog doesn't represent the whole breed, but yes, they're known to be aggressive dogs. Are you going to have this dog around family (small children? Other pets?) I would hate for Kujo to eat your daughter-in-law's adorable Fee-Fee or bite Jr. at Thanksgiving. IJS...
(Now that I'm rambling...)

I miss my dog, which upon Googling today, she wasn't just a mutt as I'd suspected, she was actually a "Carolina Dog" according to Wiki...
(Dixie Dingo or Carolina Dog)

These could about pass for her. So purrty!


Blue Heeler (Austrailian Cattle Dog)


German Shepherd

I suppose this will all boil down to whether you are looking for a
"Guard Dog" versus a "Family Pet." and how important the weightfactor is with the 40 lb weight limit.

Medium-Small Dogs Weighing Between 20 and 40 pounds
Whichever way you go, good luck & congrats on your soon-to-be family member!
jayc987's Avatar
With today's crime and break ins, get a GS, their bark and size will intimidate anyone, your other options will have a burglar laughing
jayc987's Avatar
Btw,Glen is going to die on tomorrow's walking dead
Fancyinheels's Avatar
Chihuahuas will someday take over the world, so get in good with them NOW and adopt. About a dozen would make up one decent-sized Shepherd or Heeler.

(My wee furry pimpster pups at the Irish Chihuahua Refuge told me to type that. Smart they are, slave I am. Must bone to bring home the bones to my loyal, affectionate, alert, entertaining, but demanding hairy horde.)

Remember, DOG spelled backwards is GOD, so pray that you are the worthy person your canine companion thinks you are.
Foxy is Beautiful,,,blushing.