What Star Trek Character would you most like to fornicate with?

This may sound silly but I was flipping through the channels the other night and forgot the hotties in Star Trek. My fantasy Star Trek fuck would be with “T Pol” or Jolene Blalore. Then “6 of 9” or Jeri Ryan could join us in a kinky alien 3 way.

These women have seriously hot bodies even at 44 and 51.
Samhyde's Avatar
Tpol, 7, and Rom's wife. Or that Dabo girl Jake dated for a hot minute.

Also, "Evil" Kira from the mirror universe. But not regular Kira... She's lame.
Deana Troy all the way....those dark eyes
Spoogebob Cumpants's Avatar
Jadzia Dax or Ensign Robin Lefler
Terry Ferrell , Ashley Judd (young)
mikehammer002001's Avatar
Linda Park from "Enterprise"
Gentlemen Rendezvous's Avatar
Jolene Blalock as T’Pol
Jeri Ryan...again and again and again....

….she played the character, Seven of Nine, in Star Trek Voyager a number of years ago....

...no doubt the sexiest (former member of the collective) The Borg....
Brandofan's Avatar
If Seven of Nine was unavailable I'd do a doubles session with those two Klingon sisters from DS9.
BBW Katrina's Avatar
Number One/Riker
If Seven of Nine was unavailable I'd do a doubles session with those two Klingon sisters from DS9. Originally Posted by Brandofan
Seven of nine needs a crotch zipper in her star ship cat suit and she could beam right into my bed
Dr. Crusher....love those redheads!
Oh Deanna, we had some good times in my fantasies 😂
Full borg assimulated might have trouble with 7 of 9 but would still be tempted. After rescue from collective would be all in, especially if I could get a lifetime ticket. Met her at a fan convention and she broke my heart. LOL
deltaflyer238's Avatar
Seven of Nine or course. The Delaney sisters from Voyager would be great for doubles! lol. Jadzia Dax and Ezri Dax. Maybe even a litt Dr. Crusher =)
SchnellerFahrer's Avatar
EASY choice. YEOMAN JANICE RAND, played by Grace Lee Whitney.

STUNNING Blonde. meow.
