Thanks Everybody! Goodnight!

downwardpull's Avatar
Hey guys... I've been planning my eccie exit for awhile. I need to balance things in my life and this was one of those major imbalances that I had been avoiding working on... I realized among other things that I've spent the equivalent of a years salary in the past 5 years on the hobby.... and I'm no better off than I was in the beginning (other than some Thai that I've picked up j/k).

Never a better time than the present.. I wanted to have one really nice experience before retiring and that was with Isabella, the beautiful Spaniard near Hobby. I knew after I met her I could leave on a good note.

I want to thank everyone for their support, ideas, advice... and thank many others for all of the good times.... You need not be named.. lol..

I'm going to change my password to some random series of letters and numbers from some receipt I'm going to toss afterwards. I won't be back.
You sound cool as hell but damn, never heard of you bruh. When I go, I'll ride off into the sunset unannounced. No one gives a shit dude. And, that last threAD? There are threads about her fem smell dude!

You ridin' out like dhat? Nastee!

I know, I'm going to hell BUT it is what it is. Bye mofo.

I'm retiring soon too. Who gives a fuck? NEXT...
Mojojo's Avatar
Best of luck to you downwardpull

mijo wish him farwell or move on..
john353's Avatar

I completely understand. In my case though...I will probably never really retire unless some life changing event occurs. I just get fed up from time to time, and take my annual sabbaticals when I feel like I need a break. My last leave of absence was 6 months before I came back this time. Before that...I was away from here for 18 months. The best part is, when I come back after a hiatus, there are several new girls that weren't around before I left. I'm like a kid in a candy store again and recharged and ready to have fun.

Sometimes we just need a change of scenery. It took me several years to figure that out.

This hobby can really get under your fingernails if you let it. When I discovered that I could walk away from this life and not look back, it was like a weight had been lifted off of me. Now...when I get that feeling to duck off into the shadows, I just fade away.

Sometimes I just get tired of the chase. I don't want to stress out anymore because I'm supposed to be at an incall by a certain time, and I'm stuck in a traffic jam. Sometimes I just want to spend my money on other things that I enjoy.

Just remember, this hobby lifestyle is supposed to be fun. When it ceases to be's time to walk away.

Good luck to you.
Best of luck to you downwardpull

mijo wish him farwell or move on.. Originally Posted by mojojo213
I can't keep doing this as an olde man. So, I too have plans for the near & dear future. Good luck dude.

Honestly, not that it matters, but I don't know who the fuck you are. BUT, I finally got points on a Houston board. Thank You.

Best Wishes, dude! And, take care.
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
I wish you all the best and think what you are doing is very wise. Not allot of good can come from long term hobbying.

While 99.99% of men here refuse to even think about this issue, it really does impact your real world relationships with either your GF or SO, in the present or in the future.

This is one time in life when quitting does make you a better man.
dearhunter's Avatar
Who is mijo?
DP.....enjoy your time away and good luck sir.

DH.....I don't think anyone here gives a shit who mijo is
The G.O.A.T's Avatar
DP, I enjoyed the reviews you had. They were informative. Hope life treats you well.

When I go I'm just disappearing. No goodbye thread.
Who is mijo? Originally Posted by dearhunter
I'm mijo bioch!

DP.....enjoy your time away and good luck sir.

DH.....I don't think anyone here gives a shit who mijo is Originally Posted by tbone2u
Exactly, my point exactly. (Drink up bioches )

DP, I enjoyed the reviews you had. They were informative. Hope life treats you well.

When I go I'm just disappearing. No goodbye thread. Originally Posted by The G.O.A.T
Well that's what I'm talkin' 'bout!
dearhunter's Avatar
There is more than one way to go out........ijs.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
DP, I enjoyed the reviews you had. They were informative. Hope life treats you well.

When I go I'm just disappearing. No goodbye thread. Originally Posted by The G.O.A.T
Don't worry I'll do one for ya

DP good luck sir...
Sarunga's Avatar

When I discovered that I could walk away from this life and not look back... Originally Posted by john353
Is this really true though? The fact that you keep coming back seems to imply otherwise.
john353's Avatar
In my case though...I will probably never really retire unless some life changing event occurs.
Originally Posted by john353
I also said this^^^

It was meant to read...I can walk away and not look back...for long periods of time.
Sarunga's Avatar