Holiday Season Question

Hey yall,

I've got a question for the guys and girls...

I have been asked a few times about coming back down to visit, but I think the only opportunity would be during a holiday break.

It's been my experience in my own area that it can be kind of slow...would you tend to agree with it being that way in Houston as well?

I haven't been to Houston in like four or five years. If it turns to be a bust, I could probably just visit friends I guess.

Suggestions? Input?

Thanks so much!
London Rayne's Avatar
I have encountered just the opposite. When I used to run an agency, Thanksgiving was hella busy! Summers were deadly slow, but most holiday weeks were rather busy. Just going by the number of requests I would get for the agency, I would say it depends on the area. Guys during this time of year seem to want it "now." No planning ahead type deals, but again I am only speaking from the agency perspective. As an indy who never works holidays, I have only noticed a severe decline in the summer when folks are on vacation, so I normally tour beach areas during that time.

I would advise seeing how many bookings you get before going of course, and decide from there. NYC, Chicago, and D.C. are super busy this time of year but you risk getting stuck in the freaking airport because of weather issues...grr! I learned to stay south during the winter just like the birds do ha ha.