One of my biggest fears when hobbying.

4karlos's Avatar
One of my biggest fears when hobbying.....

No, not the pimp.

No...not my wife finding out, or my boss, or a coworker or a neighbor.

I try to do my homework so LE does not stress me too much.

Hygiene and diseases... Yes but not so much. I always try to evaluate to what extend is the provider clean and concerned about her own health and when doubting, I either pay and leave or skip the kisses, daty and other exposures.

What creeps me out is the idea/risk of landing at an incall with someone forced/slaved into the hobby. Have you ever thought cared about this?

I personally tend to avoid girls younger than 24 (and also because the conversation with them is too lame) and I tend to avoid girls not speaking English... unfortunately this limits tremendously the scope but I rather limit my choices than contribute to the unacceptable.

How do you know the young Asian/Latina/Russian girl not speaking English/ barely speaking it, is not forced or slaved into the deal?
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
Nobody really and truly knows. The indy who seems to be completely independent may have some deep secrets. I guess it's just a gut feeling based on a providers session and board posting history.

I do appreciate the fact you seem to care about this. Some guys who want 60 dollar pussy don't seem to give a shit whether they're there on their own free will or not.
KatieKatie's Avatar
It is one of my biggest fears too, Karlos. I always, always wonder that. I see some girls and the red flags and my stomach drops. A lot of girls are coerced and manipulated into this too--pimps or "agencies". They are totally ok with it for a while then when they realize what is going on they are stuck. I have a friend in Vegas that this happened to. She can't leave.

Some legit agencies do this too by blackmailing you, by outing you or threatening to hurt you.

I also find it a bit sick, DJ, that guys have no problem seeing an addict.

I do appreciate the fact you seem to care about this. Some guys who want 60 dollar pussy don't seem to give a shit whether they're there on their own free will or not. Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN
Herein lies the big problem , some guys dont care if she is being forced or some trafficked girl , as long as she lays on her back and does what they want it dosnt matter at all how she got there. If guys would stop supporting these low lives maybe it would stop..ijs it makes me sick, human trafficking should be a lifetime sentence to the trafficker...pieces of shit
torpedo69's Avatar
Herein lies the big problem , some guys dont care if she is being forced or some trafficked girl , as long as she lays on her back and does what they want it dosnt matter at all how she got there. If guys would stop supporting these low lives maybe it would stop..ijs it makes me sick, human trafficking should be a lifetime sentence to the trafficker...pieces of shit Originally Posted by AllisonofHouston
Most likely if they are giving FS for $60 I dont care long the appt is there is something not right. If her rates are that low then either
A. she has a pimp and hardly sees a dime
B. she has caught something and is trying to make a quick buck before it gets out
C. she is under someones thumb and she is being forced and has no choice but work and doesnt see a thin cent.

Regardless of the reason if she is that cheap there is probably a reason for it and

RUN AWAY!!!!!!

Hermosa's Avatar
This is a truly sad situation. When guy's and women just see other human beings as something to use, this happens. I believe I was exposed to this twice and both times I just had to stop it. It haunted my thoughts for a long time. I am pretty committed to choosing older ladies with a track record. I also think it is a sad thing to see ladies who are in it to support a habit. Or the older ladies who become aware that there is just a limited time left to make money. They become more desperate and become easy pray to exploiters. These are things that make this hobby ugly. These are also the things that make LE group us in with all the evils of the sex trade. The guys that want little girls, little boys, always younger. It's good to not only fear those situations, I just hope we never stop caring about these victims.
Yes, I also think it's refreshing that he takes time to assess his actions. That's a very appealing characteristic. There are women who do this of their own free will, and deserve your patronage.

I've never understood why a man would want to contribute to any woman's issues with men. But I think it's up to ladies who actually have control over our own destinies to differentiate ourselves. We understand not all money is good money, and our risk to each others' health is minimal.

There's always a good way to be bad.
Its very sad!
I agree...If I ever have a feeling this is about trafficking, exploitation, a habit, or a pimp I will walk. I only want to see someone that does this of their own free will. I have lived through violent crime with a gf before and my concern is that my provider enjoys this as I do. I wish I could find only ladies that truly want to please and except me for someone wanting to please as well.
Well, it is a concern but how do you know if a girl has a "manager" or not? You can't really go by age, I have known some very independent minded women in their early twenties who knew what they were doing. You also cannot go strictly by price. A woman may have a premium and still be giving most of it to a pimp.

As for the aspect of sex trafficking. I think that is waaay overblown. In Houston there have been lots of crackdowns and only a small number of girls here from other countries in which they could not verify their age or said they had been brought against their will.

I know it happens but you cannot believe the hype of the LE or the politicians. When you look hard at the evidence most of these cases just evaporate.
DarthMaul's Avatar
My biggest fear is that some girl is underage!

That's why I try to stay at least 25 and up. Unless your name is Julie Cash.
  • BDD
  • 08-18-2013, 11:13 PM

what DM said!
tbone77494's Avatar
Both things - underage and forced - I want nothing to do with. I have never seen a lady and been concerned with either. I shoot for 25 and up based on reported age and looks, so I shouldn't be close to underage. I also avoid bp unless they show up on eccoe as well, and I never am the first one in on a new lady. Last, I totally avoid things like the Spring Branch apartments. I think LE is not really interested in busting two legal consenting adults. The busts I see seem to be targeting likely underage/forced which is why you pass on new girls from bp. They also hate spas located in residential strip malls. That is low hanging fruit to show the public they care.
gearslut's Avatar
Well here's my two cents on the whole thing. All anyone can do is take care of their own little part of the world and set some standards for themselves. Black markets exist because the demand for that particular item exists except that item is illegal. Make that item legal and well regulated and while you may not eliminate it completely you'll decrease a significant portion of it. It won't ever all go away. Face it, too many humans are capable of being such incredible D Bags that it's practically genetically encoded.
Black markets exist because the demand for that particular item exists except that item is illegal. Make that item legal and well regulated and while you may not eliminate it completely you'll decrease a significant portion of it. It won't ever all go away. Face it, too many humans are capable of being such incredible D Bags that it's practically genetically encoded. Originally Posted by gearslut
A couple weeks back there was an excellent expose on MSNBC on human trafficking in Houston. The focus was on the Cantinas in various parts of the city who apparently traffic mostly women from Central America. Promise poor, young girls and their families jobs in the US only to find themselves enslaved, beaten, terrorized and forced into prostitution.

Sad thing is. People in the local community know which Cantinas are involved in this activity as do the local authorities. But, they have a hard time getting the women to cooperate because they are so brutalized by their captors.

Agree, just friggin get the government out of the business of trying to police two consenting adults doing whatever they want to do. But, I don't think that will put much of a damper on the human trafficking aspect of it. Poor, desperate humans will always exist as will Scumbags willing to exploit them.