The “No fuck February “ thread.

CaptainZman's Avatar
I thought I’d start it early so we can get everybody involved. Who’s in?
Does this just mean providers or SO’s too? because i don’t think my gf would be ok with that
CaptainZman's Avatar
Just studio providers. My SO wouldn’t be happy as well.
strut_78's Avatar
Damn, I don't think I can go a month without fucking Nana.
Let's Go!'s Avatar
me either !
CaptainZman's Avatar
Great feedback guys. I’m just trying to see who might want to be part of it. I’m not going to be involved, I just want to see who wants to be.
HaHa. I won't be involved either. LOL
Sorry, but I fuck.
Big b.o.b.1's Avatar
Sorry man, these Korean girls are probably coming back from their month-long vacation in February so we’ll probably be seeing some new girls come through. (I hope)

Agree with janus
Darkloveofasians's Avatar
Yeah I’m 50% in only because I’ll be in Thailand first 2 weeks of February but when I return home it’s back to my normal schedule. Why would I deprive myself for you to make a point.
It is a nice idea to help lower rates BUT,


all the men in this thread that says: I'm in, The “No fuck February “ thread. Is a FKn liar. They will be the first one sniffing studios door, and the girls know it.

They will be the first one sniffing studios door, and the girls know it.
As evidence by the leader of the boycott going to studios something like a dozen times in the boycott month.
unseens's Avatar
Sorry bros, but I refuse to go longer than a month without putting Korean feet in my mouth
I'm not local, are there any Chinese studios?? Not that I could tell them apart.
TinMan's Avatar
Following. Because I love watching boycotts fall apart before they get started.