Congressional UFO Report

Treetop78759's Avatar
Earlier this month the classified version of a UFO report was submitted to members of the Senate Armed Services Committee.

I was told off the record two disturbing facts that I have suspected from many years of extensive research.

I think the unclassified version will be released in the next week or two. My hope is that it will be a very exciting day for the world.

I'm confident that it's finally going to open the eyes of those who have buried their head in the sand and deny the FACT that we are not alone! Probably the same folks who turn a blind eye to sex trafficking in AMPs.

We should all know more about the "aliens" who walk the world hinding in plain.

I also hope that the report contains important information regarding the chem trials. The constant raining down of chemicals for scientific purposes is unacceptable.

I suspect the scientist in Area 51, Siberia under the direction of Putin, Bill Gates for sure, and those beyond this world are working in concert.

None of this would have been possible if it wasn't for the leadership of President Trump. God bless the USA.