The Dumbocrats are Going Down Like Flies..LOL

Rachelina's Avatar
Sixth Texas Democrat in Washington, D.C., tests positive for COVID-19

State Rep. Donna Howard, D-Austin, has tested positive for the coronavirus, marking the sixth case among nearly 60 House Democrats who traveled to Washington, D.C., last week to prevent the passage of a GOP election bill at the Texas Legislature.

"Despite following CDC [Centers for Disease Control and Prevention] guidelines and being fully vaccinated, I tested positive for COVID-19 on Monday," Howard said in a statement Tuesday, noting that she was "basically asymptomatic except for some minor congestion."

Over the weekend, the Texas House Democratic Caucus said that five of its members had tested positive for the virus. The members who tested positive, including state Reps. Celia Israel, D-Austin, and Trey Martinez Fischer, D-San Antonio, have been fully vaccinated.

Have a Miller Lite,That's a very good vaccine.

Only happens in Lostin,TX..Home of the Dumbocrats.
Also sing "We Shall Overcome"..Was that about being infected?
And take some more selfies..LOL without a mask.

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Little Monster's Avatar
What only happens here in Austin? Someone testing positive for covid?
Rachelina's Avatar
I assume you are meaning "Payback is a Bi-ch" which is the correct answer. Funny they WERE healthy in Austin.
You talk! coming from Flori-duh where people are dying from Covid Delta left and right. There won't be any Republicans left to vote at the rate they are sacrificing themselves to the gods of idiocy.
Rachelina's Avatar
Just defund the Police ...
Are you from Lostin?

Such a shame the Dumbocrats flee the State to get sick..I think it's a hoot.
Have a Miller Lite as I said that's your vaccine, NOTHING is good in Lostin,
Texass.,,,As you are.LOL

"We Shall Overcome Covid"
Dumbocrats anthem in DC.
Remember to Vote for the SICK..LOL

BTW..Get a girlfriend instead of your Oriental're a joke..
or does that all in Lostin offer?
You can Massage yourself and save $$$

Funny you're the ONLY Dumbocrat idiot to respond..DUH
winn dixie's Avatar
lets leave our duty. not get paid including our staffers to throw a tantrum in dc and party. we put ourselves at risk and got the wuhan flu.

boo hoo
Little Monster's Avatar
I assume you are meaning "Payback is a Bi-ch" which is the correct answer. Funny they WERE healthy in Austin. Originally Posted by Rachelina
Just defund the Police ...
Are you from Lostin?

Such a shame the Dumbocrats flee the State to get sick..I think it's a hoot.
Have a Miller Lite as I said that's your vaccine, NOTHING is good in Lostin,
Texass.,,,As you are.LOL

"We Shall Overcome Covid"
Dumbocrats anthem in DC.
Remember to Vote for the SICK..LOL

BTW..Get a girlfriend instead of your Oriental're a joke..
or does that all in Lostin offer?
You can Massage yourself and save $$$

Funny you're the ONLY Dumbocrat idiot to respond..DUH
Originally Posted by Rachelina
Looks to me like the only one throwing a tantrum and acting childish in here would be you. You are aware that Texas and Florida make up over 30% of the new covid cases right? Those are red states.
Rachelina's Avatar
Last August, the Austin City Council voted to cut and reallocate a third of its police department's then-$434 million budget.Jun 1, 2021.

Austin saw an increase of 10 homicides—or 53%—in the first seven months of this year compared to the same time last year, according to monthly crime statistics released by the Austin Police Department.

There were 29 homicides as of July 31, with six homicides in the month of July, including the killing of demonstrator Garrett Foster at a downtown Austin protest and a woman who was killed outside her home around 3 a.m.

Last year, there were 36 homicides for the whole year. The highest homicide count Austin has seen in recent memory was 40 in 2016. The following year, the number dropped to 27.

The spike comes at a time when the number of homicides is increasing in big cities across the country, when unemployment is at its highest since the Great Depression, when Austin grapples with homelessness policies and drug interdiction that leaves more drugs and people suffering mental illness on the streets, and when citizens are demanding police reform in the wake of violent clashes between officers and anti-brutality demonstrators.

Last week, the Austin City Council cut 5% of the police budget—$21 million that cuts 150 currently vacant officer spots at the police department, among other items—with promises to cut another $130M next year and reallocate those funds and duties to other departments of the city.

Chief Brian Manley and other police advocates say the increased number of homicides and certain violent crimes show that the city needs more police protection, not a cut in personnel.

"There is strong community support for police reform but not cutting cops when violent crime is increasing and response times are slower," said Corby Jastrow, president of the Greater Austin Crime Commission.

Nice city..smell the coffee,or have a Miller Lite (your vaccine) Dumbocrat.
Don't EVER call'll get a "NO RESPONSE"
City is a joke, Why?
Maybe the Dumbocrats are running the show?

Rachelina's Avatar
Just you throw a tantrum at the Voting booth, or are you a Mail in Ballot?
If so MAKE sure ONLY one ballot unlike the cronies who get away with doubling down.
If voting in person,SHOW ID.

And no sir not a tantrum.
Just Dumbocratic Lostin which is a wild,wild West city showing how the Dumbocrats screwed you and everyone else with the rise in Crime.
Nice job Dumbos,Defunding.

And silly you're off topic speaking of Red States I am referring to Lostin,a Blue city thanks to losers like you,btw whatever your signature is,is weird in itself. Never saw that, very,very childish.
In the future don't call 911..feel sorry if you do.
Have a Miller Lite for breakfast,like those Dumbocrats on their Covid vacation trip to DC...LOL
EagleEye's Avatar
Austin is far from perfect. At least the urban homeless camping has been banned.

May want to focus on your local crime and building code issues versus casting aspersions elsewhere. Or use the time on your hands to update your pics... a bit out of date.

Is it me, or does she look like she's better hung than mist hobbyists in this avatar?
winn dixie's Avatar
That is the best clam shot Ive ever seen!

Looks like it could even talk!
Rachelina's Avatar
Keep Defunding the PD...
and make sure to Vote..for it.

We don't do that in Miami.
Only happens in Lostin.
Rachelina's Avatar
Just keep on going to Spas Eagle. JUST MAKE SURE YOU MASK UP..LOL
You don't have to worry about LE arresting you,
because they are nowhere to be found in Lostin.
Precious_b's Avatar
Damn! Somebody has a hardon for Austin.