Cat Fight in the Mud

For you guys that have offered to bring me to these Mississippi meet and greets. As I said "I don't want LE coming to a public hobby event because of me, that wouldn't be cool at all".

However, I just came up with a GREAT idea. Let's put on an event that has waivers signed for a mud wrestling contest and do it on private property like the UFC. Us girls can wear bathing suits for your viewing pleasure. There should be an invitation fee to cover costs and provide prizes. The main event should be LC and EB. Other ladies can pair up and have your own sexy mud wrestling adventure. The guys could hose us down when we are done.

We could also do a boxing match for the men for those of you who share in my enthusiasm. I'm sure there are several others on here that would love to enter a ring with someone who has disrespected you on the boards as well. Sign waivers, bring your gloves and have prizes... POOF, we are legal.

Now, who lives on a farm in the country that could sponsor such an event?
How much invitation fee should be charged?
Who will volunteer to make initial donations?
To be legal, we need 2 paramedics on site... any volunteers?

Where there's a will, there's a way *giggles*

i said my piece so i am through with your antics.
no you know what, please come tour through ms. i would love to have a one on one with you hehe. could get interesting very quickly. what do you say guys?
You been tellin people you wanna beat my ass cause I am a nut job that lives in **** (Staff Edit to remove personal info by vicinms)! Cat fight in the mud? I figure with as much as you talk shit about me, you would want to have a cat fight in the mud? I'm not interested in 1 on 1 or the dumb ass pm you sent me... I want the audience you created. I'm an entertainer. I'm not a behind the scenes lyin shit startin' bitch who gains pleasure out of causing problems for others by stalking them all over the site while hiding behind a keyboard kinda girl. Cat fight in the mud? You been calling me out with this shit for 2 years and I have just been writing you off as desperate and trashy. 4 times in one month on 4 different boards, Cat fight in the mud? You now have my full attention... you wanted it... you got it. And look, it will be all legal. You won't even have to worry about going to jail or getting sued for beatin my ass. That is part of what gets back to me that you want to beat my ass... right? Cat fight in the mud? I'm not joking here. I'm serious as hell. You want it, let's do it! However, my way is a lot more fun and responsible... and also makes it where you can't lie about the results... pretty smart huh? You want my ass, everyone watches! Otherwise, it's not worth the health risk to me with your double dippin without condoms fugfests. That and I want ya to sign a waiver.

See, my lil redneck ass believes in "PUT UP OR SHUT UP". Besides, I haven't been in a mud wrestling match since I quit dancin. It'll be a blast,,, come on!
bring it baby... i dont lie, and i damn sure dont stalk. i hope you can handle what you are bringing...responsibly
Cool. I'll even set my schedule to come to you. I wanna see some friends anyway so that part is all win win for me. YaYeee...