Newbie question

Hey all, apologies if this isnt the place for this or isnt allowed. Delete if so, but Ive been dabbling in the hobby for a couple years and very sporadically. Its not something i want to do often but on occasion. With that it makes it hard to find good providers. Ive been to a few amp's and met with a handful of providers but even then its been months and i dont save the numbers as its typically meant to be a one time thing for myself. The more trust worthy providers want references and i just dont have them. Any way to find newbie friendly providers out side of amp's? Oh2 is trash and ads seem vague on tryst and privatedelights. Esscortalligator feels like all BS adds. Can i post ISO's some where, does that work? Dont want to pay for p411 honestly. Any advice or help is appreciated.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
ISOs are not allowed.
Without references from known ladies....
I suggest you research the concept of newbie friendly providers, who will require some form personal identification.

In that your post here borders on the ISO issue,

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