The present recession is not ending.
No amount of additional investment, spending cuts, prayer, etc. will change that.
The reason for high unemployment is thirty years of massive trade deficits...period.
We buy more goods than we sell, and a portion of manufacturing has been lost thereby. It's not coming back, and will not be supplanted by anything else that we might sell in exchange.
Nothing will be done about it because no one wants to admit that trade is the cause.
This is something that was papered over for twenty years because of mortgage policies that excited a construction bubble that's over and never returning.
It's done.
In 1946 government spending went from 60% of the economy to 20% overnight, yet the economy grew by 30%. The cause of the depression was capital constriction, which was never remedied until emergency wartime conditions came into effect. Once capital was available and demand bounded back everything improved. Nobody ever addressed the cause of the depression because no one cared to understand it. Everyone thought the old remedies would work when they wouldn't. The same is true today.