Been Away

I wanted to explain as my previous post in the ISO forum hinted that I might be taking a break from the board.

I've been away from the board and working actually because I've had two deaths in the family and to be honest.....a little burned out from work and board.

Its been a rough 9 days with an end in sight for Monday. But, as hard as it may be to believe, a nice break from the board and work.

I want to thank those wonderful gents who called or emailed me to check on me. Its nice to see I'm missed.
Omahan's Avatar
I'm sorry for your loss Elena. Welcome back.
Brasky's Avatar
Hi Elena, Sorry to hear about your loss.
kendra kayy's Avatar
sorry for your losses MsElena...
Thank you all for the kind words.
DallasRain's Avatar
best wishes to ya!!!
Thank you Miss Dallas

After tomorrow, my life should be back to normal and hopefully my emotions soon to follow. I've snapped at more people in the last 12 days than I have in a year. lol
John Bull's Avatar
Don't snap at me Sweetie. Daddy will spank!!

Hmm....maybe a good spanking is what I need.

After a nice day of relaxing in bed, sleeping...advil....heating pad....classical music and the love of my puppies, its safe to say that I'm feeling much much better and 90% back to normal.

Thanks again all
lakecat's Avatar
Glad to hear it Elena, stay strong girl
Wishing you the best Elena!
I best wishes to you Elena, a family member death is never easy. You still have a massage coming soon as I can get work caught up. Be good to yourself.
Thank you UTK and Sax.

Sax, I'm in NEED of that massage.
And that massage you shall receive, hopefully soon. You can order any dessert you wish.

We need a time limit on this one. Don't make me wait too long, I'll be forced to call on a female massage therapist to work me over.