The first time you got caught fucking

spacejanitor's Avatar
As a continuance to the previous thread. We were out in the park, parked in my 1967 chevy station wagon. I was in the front seat drivers side and she was riding me cowgirl...I was considerably more flexible then that I am now, and so was she...the windows were all steamed up and we were both clawing at each other like animals. Then I heard a tap tap on the window...I go..did you hear that??..she said...hear what??...and we continued for another minute, then we both came....then another tap tap...and a flashlight shone thru the foggy window...WTF!!!!!

I rolled down the window and the cop asked if everything was OK??..there we were both naked as a jaybird and she hopped in the back seat to get dressed. He asked me for my ID and hers. I had mine, but she didn't have hers and they seperated us and asked us both questions, which of course we were both scared out of our minds, but they wound up letting us go.

I asked the cop how he found us and he said, that he was driving by and he saw flashing brake lights..and I go flashing brake lights, then it dawned on me....every time I was thrusting I had my foot on the brake and I was giving away our position....literally.:mfr_omg :

So, what's your story?
I'd urge the members to be careful to not detail any story that includes any mention of underage sexual activity, as it is prohibited by the board rules in any manner. With such being considered, I cannot detail the first time I got caught fucking.

Seriously, this is a great topic for a thread, just don't mention how old you were if you were under 18 when you were caught.


- Jackie
So, what's your story?
Originally Posted by spacejanitor
A lot like yours.

First and only time I was caught was in high school, in the back seat of my dad's Mercury, with my high school sweetheart. We were at Dam Site 16, now more commonly referred to as "Standing Bear Lake." (I know, kinda cliche, but we didn't really have anywhere else to go.)

We had slipped into the back seat, and things were getting hot and heavy (it was summer so hot is no lie). I still remember working her top over her head, wrestling with her bra... the button fly on her Levi's. And after much effort, her clothes were almost entirely off. Mine too. Suddenly her face is lit up like the moon, and she is ducking her face into her hands and scrambling for her bra.

I was like a cop magnet at that age, so I knew what was happening. Maybe it was the effort of getting this girl out of her clothes, or just exasperation, but instead of being spooked or whatever I just remember being so incredibly pissed off!

The Cougar was a 2-door, so I had to push the driver's seat forward, and hitch up my pants. I unlatched the door, gave it a shove, and stepped out of the car with one leg, right into the spotlight of the Sheriff's squad car.

To this day I have no idea why--maybe it was my indignant expression, my angry "What?!", or who knows?--but the spotlight went off. The cop through the cruiser into reverse and drove away.

Of course, after that interruption, it was impossible to get my GF back in the proper frame of mind... sigh. At least he didn't run us in for public indecency or something. LOL.

Edit: Oh, shoot. We weren't actually f*cking yet... still doing all the other fun stuff. Does that still count?
trynagetlaid's Avatar

Seriously, this is a great topic for a thread, just don't mention how old you were if you were under 18 when you were caught.
Originally Posted by Jackie Devlin
I was over 18, but...
I was over 18, but... Originally Posted by trynagetlaid
Yeah, well, I guess you could pretend she was too . . . It isn't as though publishing fiction is anything new to the baord! HA!


- Jackie
Bigh1955's Avatar
I'd urge the members to be careful to not detail any story that includes any mention of underage sexual activity, as it is prohibited by the board rules in any manner. With such being considered, I cannot detail the first time I got caught fucking.

Seriously, this is a great topic for a thread, just don't mention how old you were if you were under 18 when you were caught.


- Jackie Originally Posted by Jackie Devlin
Okay, so don't tell your age...tell us the story
Yeah . . . you caught me there, BigH, most of you wouldn't believe it if I detailed it - too boring.
Bigh1955's Avatar
Never been caught...well, there was that time when my daughter, then 3, walked into our bedroom early one Sunday morning..."What you doing mommy?" "Mommy and daddy are wrestling baby, go back to bed." "Okay" Fortunately, the sheets were up. LOL If you're a parent, you've been there.