Sweat Equity

myren1900's Avatar
Inspired by ~P once again in 2019.
It's about that time of year.
Give back and donate to any of your favorite chosen Charity
to help the homeless.
Be wise everyone, the majority of homeless are not dangerous people.

-Give care kits
-Help volunteer
-Give blessing bags

Sweat Equity or however u want to do it and help.
Dial #211 for any assistance questions with legit charities ~

First off and let's keep the kindness going....

....Big-UPs to MissJae713 for her 'Sweat Equity' and act of kindness in helping the homeless.
(It takes a village BR)
Thank you for donating today chick!


Appreciate you Myren for posting the 'Sweat Equity' on helping others in need
this time of year.
I will continue to do my part.

....Big-UPs to ~P for her 'Sweat Equity' and act of kindness in helping the homeless charities.
(It takes a village BR and It takes a village Colorado)
Thank you for making a donation today ~P!
