WK's , Suck Ups , and Leakers , Who Needs Them?

WK's,Suck Ups,and Leakers are the lowest of low. What shall we as a community do with such traitors? Yes the Mods could take care of such disciplinary actions. But what satisfaction would that give us? We are the ones being betrayed by the likes of these scum. And when confronted with such dastardly deeds, and caught red handed, should we exile such a lowlife?
I say YES ..........

You know who you are! Care to explain yourself and try at a little redemption?
Whispers's Avatar
When I read the title I immediately thought...

ChicagoK9 has done got caught!

His recent posts tend to focus a lot of attention on just where his motives lie.........

Wehn the story comes out how much ya wanna bet it involves a provider throwing him under the bus.....

All these wusses (jury still out on K9) seem to think THEY MATTER... to these gals.....

but it never turns out that way/
Poet Laureate's Avatar
Mea maxima culpa.
Yes, I can explain. What's more, if you consider carefully, you'll discover that it's actually the truth. Let's review:
1) I didn't realize the depth of the sanctity of the posts in certain forums. 100% my bad, no excuses, I didn't read the rules. Won't happen again. I've been spanked by Eccie and by a member whose opinions are not always popular, but who showed me the courtesy of listening to my explanation.
2) I saw an exchange between two members. One claimed to have gotten certain information from a couple of providers; the other claimed the polar opposite.
3) I happen to know one of the providers mentioned. I gave her a positive review recently. I'm an investigator by nature and by profession, so I copied and pasted the two versions into an email and sent it to the provider, asking which one was telling the truth.
4) My motives were simple; I don't know these guys, and I wanted to determine whose word I could trust.
5) The provider told me she didn't really want to get involved in a he said/he said for various reasons. And she had every right to do so.
6) Apparently the provider then did what providers do; she provided information to one or more of the members that I had contacted her about this. From the reaction/response it's pretty clear that she didn't forward the email I sent, but rather simply spoke to various people, and somewhere along the way my motives were questioned.
7) On the face of it, I can understand the response of certain members, because they didn't have all of the information, but it seems like judgment was passed without having all of the facts. All anyone had to do was ask me what the hell I did and why, and I would have told them.
8) As far as the provider throwing me under the bus, I honestly can't say what her motives were; you'd have to ask her. I certainly won't.
9) As far as sucking up, there's no way to twist or spin my asking a provider to look at parts of two threads, one of which is saying they spoke to her and the other saying didn't happen, as sucking up. Leaking? Yes, and I'll take responsibility as I said before. WK? Doesn't apply here.
10) Now that you have the facts, take me out to the woodshed for not knowing the rules. Smack me around for using poor judgment. But don't ascribe motives that weren't there. I wasn't trying to curry favor or suck up or ass kiss; all I wanted to do was figure out whose word could be taken at face value. I don't know why the provider felt she had to share with the members that I had contacted her; if she truly didn't want to get involved, why not just ignore the whole thing? Can't answer the question. Ask her.
11) Interestingly, even after telling me she didn't want to get involved, the provider then shared information with me that I could use here; in our phone conversation she basically told me which of the members was being truthful. Since it was a private conversation, I'm going to do something she didn't, and something I initially didn't that caused this whole eruption in the first place; I'm going to respect that it was a private conversation and not share the details with others. The two members whose exchange prompted my mini investigation know the truth of their exchange; now, so do I. That's good enough for me.
In your Investigations did you at any time contact any of the other parties. One provider was not all that was mentioned. Or are you now forming your basis of truth on 1 out of 8 people involved? And I do believe the slap you recieved by eccie was because your email not just excerpts. But I was busy and not part of that particular conversation.
Poet Laureate's Avatar
I didn't know any of the other people mentioned and I didn't want to ask a bunch of people who didn't know me from Adam. I asked the only person with whom I'd had any interaction. Look at it from my point of view: I wouldn't expect someone I didn't know to open up to me just to satisfy my curiosity, and I also don't know all of the interpersonal dynamics. I really just wanted a gauge on who the liar was. Admittedly I used poor judgment, and I stood up right away and apologized as well as vowed it won't happen again when called on it. Don't really know what else there is for me to say.
I agree that it would be hard to get to the truth of the matter. I for one can tell you it is not what BBFU has to say about it. And as far as you standing up and taking responsibility for what occurred, you have done that! And for that I do have respect for you!
sixxbach's Avatar
[QUOTE=Chicago K9;1051728658]. Leaking? Yes,

Hopefully CK and Whispers won't allow this member to a social they put together.

WK's,Suck Ups,and Leakers are the lowest of low. What shall we as a community do with such traitors? Yes the Mods could take care of such disciplinary actions. But what satisfaction would that give us? We are the ones being betrayed by the likes of these scum. And when confronted with such dastardly deeds, and caught red handed, should we exile such a lowlife?
I say YES ..........

You know who you are! Care to explain yourself and try at a little redemption? Originally Posted by rocketride
Wk's and suckups aren't traitors. They're just pathetic and deluded males. Leakers however are indeed traitors but I suspect it occurs far more often during pillow talk than publicized.
kSoze's Avatar
  • kSoze
  • 10-12-2012, 11:06 AM
So if you speak out against the grain (bro-code) does this make someone a WK?
I love not being able to read whatever it is you post. I imagine for someone like you that's GOT to be annoying as hell.
Imagine if Everyone kept putting you and your future personas on the ignore list. Just like the monster who feeds off of fear you would simply vanish.
kSoze's Avatar
  • kSoze
  • 10-12-2012, 11:14 AM
Supporting a certain girl in all cases regardless if she is right or wrong, does this make someone a WK?
Hahaha try again! See where you're leading there smarty.
kSoze's Avatar
  • kSoze
  • 10-12-2012, 11:17 AM
I love not being able to read whatever it is you post. I imagine for someone like you that's GOT to be annoying as hell. Originally Posted by Codybeast
If you really believe this.. well, that's just silly.
Never mind.