Copy u think it's cute?

In the last few months I've had several ladies copy my last name & initials.
First it was some random BP girl who calls her self Adrian Cakes...Then another BP girl changed her name from "Casey" to "Casey Cakes", after texting me to recruit me for her "Daddy"

Last but not least a long time provider who participates in the boards, had the same name "SUMMER the HUMMER" for YEARS, whom I'm sure is aware of my existence changed her name to Angel Cakes

Why in the world would anyone want to be a copy cat? Wouldn't you want to stand out, be unique, be different shit be ORIGINAL after all 100% of originals r worth more! Pus there are WAY greater ladies in the world to copy, shit call ur self Beyonce or Angelina Jolie!

Guys & gals do u think it's cute? Do u think these ladies want to appear associated with me, or do they think I'm gona change my name after 8 years of being Ameera Cakes? Maybe they think if they have my initials or call themselves "Cakes" they'll magically grow some 40H Cakes? I think being a copycat is thee UGLIEST LOOK a lady can have.

Mind you I don't mind a little competition it's healthy, in fact I'm a bit of devil...I love it! One lady recently wrote after my ad "Have your Cake & eat it to!" I thought that was brilliant & it inspires me to make better ad titles! But straight up copying someone else's style because you have none of your own is LAUGHABLE & makes the lady doing it appear desperate with 0% originality & NO love for for her self. I love my self,& care enough about my business to want to be UNIQUE.At least in my opinion, what do all of you think? Guys do you notice copycats, if so whats ur opinion. Ladies what do u think when you see that, are you a copy cat ur do u justify it?

I'm not asking them to change either, it may benefit me! I'm building a little army of copycat minions! How many people can say that?! lol Seriously I do think it may make my image look even better & theirs....well u decide!
skyleigh's Avatar
imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Everyone knows who the real Miss Cakes is!
imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Everyone knows who the real Miss Cakes is! Originally Posted by skyleigh
XO Love u pretty lady!!!
LolaBunny316's Avatar
I had a girl try do my name too because she was jealous it's annoying
Citori's Avatar
Wonder if this is a problem for the guys? I recall in Chat that people used to make nearly identical names to mess with others in chat.
I just wonder what they're thinking is you know what are they thinking when they do that do they want to be associated with me do they want to confuse the guys? I've honestly never reached out to anybody and told anybody to change their name they can be called whatever they want but in my opinion it looks dumb I'd rather be me unique and original! But at the same time I will never change my name I was the first Cakes in Colorado and before I chose my name I looked around and made sure there was nobody else with the same name. And actually I never chose my name the guys chose it for me years ago I made a picture with frosting and sprinkles on my tits LOL and I started getting all these messages saying ameera cakes so I went with it make sure nobody else had the name....

I guess I'll never understand but I'm cool with having a little minion copycat army... a bunch of little wanabe mini me's running around! Hahaha cute!