Inquiring minds want to know: why Whispers hates me so much

I get asked by clients all the time, "why does that Whispers guy hate you so much????"

Here's the story: we had a torrid love affair and I broke it off and he's jealous and pissed.

Just kidding. As if I would ever fuck that guy.

So, the real story: back in late 2013, I donated an overnight to his fundraiser (*scam*). It was free advertising and it was supposedly for a good cause. Not here to argue that point, btw.

I was "won" at a party while I was out of town (a friend took me to New Orleans for my birthday). At said party (at a popular strip club), when the gentleman's ticket was drawn, apparently the crowd told him to eat his Wheaties and drink a Red Bull, because hey, a whole night with Claire! I don't know for sure because again, I wasn't there. Said gentleman and I PM'd back and forth and decided to combine the VIP party with the overnight (because the party was being held at a hotel). For those of you who don't know, the VIP party was for guys who had donated a significant amount, and for the big winners.

I went to the party, and the client was already drinking Crown. I don't know about y'all, but I have a theory about Crown Royal: it changes people. And said gentleman was also taking allergy meds because it was January and this is Austin. He was nervous about meeting me, much less spending the night with me, so he was drinking more than usual. The party was a hobby party and there was a lot of fooling around with all sorts of people (I had brought my Sybian, just to give you an idea).

At the end of the evening, I go back to this guy's room. Let's just say that things got very, very rough. He smacked my ass so hard that it made my eyes water. He pulled my hair harder than anyone else ever had (I thought he was going to rip it out). He got on top in a 69 and face fucked me (which is why I do not offer that now). At 5am, I snuck out, and my dumbass was worried about what this guy would write about me (because I left an overnight early). I had finger-print bruises on my arms the next day.

The PTSD set in rapidly. I had an *extremely* short fuse. Everyone and everything pissed me off. I talked to the guy a week after it happened and he of course didn't remember anything, and he apologized profusely, but I didn't want to hear it.

About a month after the rape (because that's what it was), Whispers had some asinine thread about screening. It was something to the effect of, "ladies, has a guy ever passed your screening and things still went wrong?" I said that, "Yes, and it was at your party and I was raped."

Hence started the shit storm.

He PM'd me about said something to the effect of, "I saw you leave the strip club with so-and-so (two other providers) and nothing happened to you." I said, "hey jackass, I wasn't even at that party, I was in New Orleans; I was at the VIP party." His response was along the lines of, "Well, I'm sorry that happened to you, BUT you need to clarify that nothing happened AT my party."

I tarnished the image of his precious scam. I mean, fundraiser. *gasp* How dare I!

He didn't care that I had been raped, he cared about what I said and how it directly affected his wallet, I mean, err, foster kids. Because while he had that fundraiser, he was the popular kid that he so longs to be. Can't say that I blame him - I wasn't popular in high school either, and that's half the reason that I'm a provider. It's all about the validation. Pay me and tell me I'm beautiful.

People: this shit happened over THREE YEARS AGO. And this fucker is *still* holding a grudge. Dude, get over it. I'm sorry that I'm the same age as your daughters and that's why you don't like MILF providers (because fucking women younger than your daughters somehow makes more sense?!).

But hey, every fucking time this guy posts about me, my business surges (whether I want it to or not, mind you). I mean seriously, if you keep this up, I'm going to have to hire a fluffer just to keep up with the traffic. But you like posting about me, because people see *MY* name and click on your idiotic thread, and then *you* have more page views because of *ME.* But you just keep telling yourself that they're clicking on it because you posted it. Whatever you have to tell yourself to sleep at night. Because it's all about a popularity contest on a hooker board. SMDH.

So, there you have it, folks. Hopefully this CLAIRE-ifies things a bit, lol. It's nothing more than a dude holding one hell of a grudge, and oh, let's not take into consideration that a woman was raped and may have been going through some shit...
If he helps your business so much, why post this? I have to say I never cared why he hated you. I just enjoy the entertainment.
FirePhoenix's Avatar
Thank you Clair for sharing your story. People tend to want to forget the dark side of the hobby and what we face as to what can happen to us. Many here can share and understand your story as their own story might be a close experience to yours.
I saw the bruises myself & the tears & Claire never cries & she was never the same. Just FYI.
I witnessed a whole behavior change but wasn't sure what I was witnessing at the time. These were no ordinary little accident sex bruises like the ones that sometimes happen on your inner thighs or whatever. Plus, Claire is NOT or ever will be submissive or LET someone play rough with her, to my knowledge. The bruises were bad. And now having been through something similar, I totally fucking get the behavior change.
Clair, I am so sorry `this happened to you. Damn it - I hate that fucking hard ass slapping and hair pulling bullshit.
Cap'n Crunch's Avatar
I get asked by clients all the time, "why does that Whispers guy hate you so much????"

Here's the story: we had a torrid love affair and I broke it off and he's jealous and pissed.

Just kidding. As if I would ever fuck that guy. Originally Posted by Claire She Blows
Nobody would fuck that guy without compensation. Have you seen in person what a disgusting mess of a human being he is? LMAO! There is more I could say, but I'll save it for another time...
Treetop78759's Avatar
Tequila Rose's Avatar
Where do I put my application in to be a fluffer and what does it pay?!?!?!

On a serious note I'm sorry you had that experience. There are really no words that make it better. Alcohol and sex can be a damn bad combo. I'm glad it wasn't worse than it was.
Whispers's Avatar
I get asked by clients all the time, "why does that Whispers guy hate you so much????"

hate is a strong word and requires an investment of emotion typically. You are a whore and not worth that investment. Any issues I have had with you over time had nothing to do with this incident.

Here's the story: we had a torrid love affair and I broke it off and he's jealous and pissed.

Just kidding. As if I would ever fuck that guy.

So, the real story: back in late 2013, I donated an overnight to his fundraiser (*scam*). It was free advertising and it was supposedly for a good cause. Not here to argue that point, btw.

Which is why you referred to it as a scam? LOL....

I was "won" at a party while I was out of town (a friend took me to New Orleans for my birthday). At said party (at a popular strip club), when the gentleman's ticket was drawn, apparently the crowd told him

It wasn't a crowd that told him.... It was a pair of whores that were associates of yours....

to eat his Wheaties and drink a Red Bull, because hey, a whole night with Claire! I don't know for sure because again, I wasn't there. Said gentleman and I PM'd back and forth and decided to combine the VIP party with the overnight (because the party was being held at a hotel). For those of you who don't know, the VIP party was for guys who had donated a significant amount, and for the big winners.

"Significant amount" was never a parameter. It was the TOP 5 - 8 guys that donated PLUS all the guys that had won prizes..... We had 7 guys at that one that had donated less than $100

I went to the party, and the client was already drinking Crown. I don't know about y'all, but I have a theory about Crown Royal: it changes people. And said gentleman was also taking allergy meds because it was January and this is Austin. He was nervous about meeting me, much less spending the night with me, so he was drinking more than usual. The party was a hobby party and there was a lot of fooling around with all sorts of people (I had brought my Sybian, just to give you an idea).

It was a party that tended to get out of hand every year which was why I tended to excuse myself early. More than a couple had to be taken care of every year after they let loose....

At the end of the evening, I go back to this guy's room.

This is where YOU, the professional in the equation, made 2 mistakes.....

1) At EVERY party i hosted over the years it was made known that people were to come and leave with the same person they arrived with. I expected everyone to respect that. Follow the rules and this would not have happened.

2) You went to a room to spend the night with an unknown that you clearly stated above was already drinking when you got there.... which was a good 4-5 hours before you left with a hell of a lot more alcohol consumed.... Why the fuck would you or any experienced whore do that? Perhaps your own demons had affected your judgement?

Let's just say that things got very, very rough. He smacked my ass so hard that it made my eyes water.

But you stayed?

He pulled my hair harder than anyone else ever had (I thought he was going to rip it out).

But you stayed?

He got on top in a 69 and face fucked me (which is why I do not offer that now).

But you stayed?

At 5am, I snuck out, and my dumbass was worried about what this guy would write about me (because I left an overnight early). I had finger-print bruises on my arms the next day.

You went back by the party room upon leaving and failed to mention a thing to anyone else before leaving the hotel. There were plenty of people there in attendance that would have immediately confronted as well as probably dealt with the guy had it been as you described.

The PTSD set in rapidly.

you mean the story began to develop to get some sympathy fucks?

I had an *extremely* short fuse. Everyone and everything pissed me off. I talked to the guy a week after it happened and he of course didn't remember anything, and he apologized profusely, but I didn't want to hear it.

So why did you talk to him?

About a month after the rape (because that's what it was),

Some that were present at the time did not believe that......

Whispers had some asinine thread about screening. It was something to the effect of, "ladies, has a guy ever passed your screening and things still went wrong?" I said that, "Yes, and it was at your party and I was raped."

Hence started the shit storm.

Nope.... My issues with you predated your story at the time... They were amplified by another incident between you and a hobbyist where you proved yourself not only an ungrateful pretentious whore with entitlement issues but you showed zero class at all....

He PM'd me about said something to the effect of, "I saw you leave the strip club with so-and-so (two other providers) and nothing happened to you." I said, "hey jackass, I wasn't even at that party, I was in New Orleans; I was at the VIP party." His response was along the lines of, "Well, I'm sorry that happened to you, BUT you need to clarify that nothing happened AT my party."

Nothing HAPPENED to you at the party..... Except maybe YOU took what others had said and worked him up to a competitive state for when you were together later..... You enjoyed a reputation as well as tended to taunt men that they couldn't handle you....

None of us were in that room with you that morning but IMO you created your own monster....talking him up at the party and telling him what he needed to be prepared for....

That was the feedback I received from those in the section of the party where you spent most of your time with your machine and the guy you are referring to and others.

He didn't care that I had been raped, he cared about what I said and how it directly affected his wallet, I mean, err, foster kids. Because while he had that fundraiser, he was the popular kid that he so longs to be. Can't say that I blame him - I wasn't popular in high school either, and that's half the reason that I'm a provider. It's all about the validation. Pay me and tell me I'm beautiful.

excuse me? Popular? LMAO... I've been the guy people love to hate..... that has never changed in any way as a result of your story which got very little attention which is what really bugs you....

People: this shit happened over THREE YEARS AGO. And this fucker is *still* holding a grudge. Dude, get over it. I'm sorry that I'm the same age as your daughters and that's why you don't like MILF providers (because fucking women younger than your daughters somehow makes more sense?!).

this is where YOUR problem lies as you age out and become less relevant..... Yes. I prefer to fuck younger women..... 18 to 25..... They tend to be the most popular group of whores in the market place for a reason and I assure you it is not just me..... if I wanted a woman your age there are plenty of money hungry status seeking women available in everyday life....

yeah yeah Yeah.... Which is why you sent your boyfriend to meet with me a few years ago whining about how he can't get any quality time because your business is so fucked up and it's all my fault.... He was trying to broker a deal to get me to lay off you so he could get some stability in his life sop you wouldn't have to hit him up like an ATM with me the excuse day after day..... he was pretty damned concerned but not so concerned that he didn't ask questions about a few other girls he had interest in at the time that he knew I knew....... You were so fucked up at the time he was having a hard time hitting it with Daddy's girl and a couple of others....

But hey, every fucking time this guy posts about me, my business surges (whether I want it to or not, mind you).

I mean seriously, if you keep this up, I'm going to have to hire a fluffer just to keep up with the traffic. But you like posting about me, because people see *MY* name and click on your idiotic thread, and then *you* have more page views because of *ME.* But you just keep telling yourself that they're clicking on it because you posted it. Whatever you have to tell yourself to sleep at night. Because it's all about a popularity contest on a hooker board. SMDH.

So, there you have it, folks. Hopefully this CLAIRE-ifies things a bit, lol. It's nothing more than a dude holding one hell of a grudge, and oh, let's not take into consideration that a woman was raped and may have been going through some shit... Originally Posted by Claire She Blows

Sucks to be slow huh? ya gotta drag out a rape story years later looking for some sympathy? It really bugs you the way some of these girls that talk rape get attention from other guys and gals here and you didn't garner much at the time.... Why? Because no one fucking believed it was anything more than bad decision on your part to challenge a drunk to rise to the occasion and give you a good fucking.....

I lost all respect for you and began responding to your online bullshit when you and your BFF Luz sat at a table at Twin Peaks about a year earlier and discussed a board member in detail providing information about where he lived, who he lived with, what the routine was in seeing him.... In front of a bunch of us.... It was outing... It was showing zero respect for your clients..... It was ALSO before your rape story....

You wanted to be queen of the Austin whores and you burned through girls that tried to be decent to you turning on them far more times than one can count.... A couple of those who you stabbed in the back were friends.... They asked me to share my thoughts about you on the board as well as provided all the details......

You whined about how precious your personal situation was with your kids and issues you needed protection from and then outed yourself because you needed the attention..... What do you get to see them now? 2?... 3 times a month?

No Claire..... My pointing your issues out over the last few years developed out of your lack of discretion in regards to a right to privacy that a hobbyist has as well as the way you pushed around so many others in your quest to be the queen whore....

Why does it seem to you it raped up after your so called "rape"?


For a little while you got me to believe you might have a heart.... One of the local providers was having a hard time and you came to me asking me to contact her and ask her for a Christmas Wish List for her and her kids..... She was not to know it was you and the story was to be that one of my associates that helped out the kids wanted to help her out....

You surprised me with the generosity you showed that holiday season by spending a shit load of money on gifts for her kids.... (she wouldn't ask for anything for herself).....

You met me and transferred all the gifts and I went to meet her and her kids had a good Christmas due to your generosity.... No one other than you and I supposedly knew it was you and not one of the guys.....

But it tuned into something pretty damn ugly a few months later when you were not feeling the love from the local whores and she posted something that did not please you.

In one of your mind altered states (drunk posting?) You told the story and accused her of being ungrateful because she never contacted you and wasn't kissing your ass the way you liked.....

Well... Of course she never did..... She had never been told it was you!

That demonstrated what a classless mean and bitter whore you are......

It might be hard for you accept but i don't wait and watch for you to say something and jump on you...... She wasn't the only one you've been a bitch too over the years..... Shit... you've outed a few right?.....

No Claire... Probably 60% of the times I pop into a thread it's because one of the other girls here has texted me, emailed me or sent me a PM drawing my attention to it and asking me to show you some love.....

You have burned so many here that you created quite a fan club.....

Whispers's Avatar
Short Version......

Claire's business sucks and her popularity continues to wane and she needs attention....

Sorry Claire..... karma..... you stabbed too many in the back, outed girls that were once friends, gossiped too much about clients that had trusted you to be discrete... and proved yourself a mean, bitter old bitch in the way you treated another lady when you were looking for sympathy that year....

That combined by your posts with your Mandle earn you the attention you get.
Whispers's Avatar
Nobody would fuck that guy without compensation. Have you seen in person what a disgusting mess of a human being he is? LMAO! There is more I could say, but I'll save it for another time... Originally Posted by Cap'n Crunch
hmmm?... That last party we both happened to be at... it sure seemed like I was getting a lot more of the attention that you must have wanted huh? Confusing to you how that is?
Raikage's Avatar
Sorry to hear that homie -hugs-, that answers alot of my questions about why yall seem so jaded, it's justified. I wonder if yall would explore the rougher side of the hobby with a trusted/ repeat customer.

Personally I love being dominant, pulling hair, slapping ass, face fucking but I have self control and read my lady friends constantly
Whispers's Avatar
Sorry to hear that homie -hugs-, that answers alot of my questions about why yall seem so jaded, it's justified. I wonder if yall would explore the rougher side of the hobby with a trusted/ repeat customer.

Personally I love being dominant, pulling hair, slapping ass, face fucking but I have self control and read my lady friends constantly Originally Posted by Raikage
I don't understand why anyone would want to see a whore that willing engages in rough activities but tries to cry rape months later..... Seems way to risky....

But go for it....
Raikage's Avatar
I don't understand why anyone would want to see a whore that willing engages in rough activities but tries to cry rape months later..... Seems way to risky....

But go for it.... Originally Posted by Whispers
I personally wouldn't, alot of women cry rape to use as weapons against old flings that they no longer receive love from, case in point porn actor James Deen.

After reading your response, you raise a lot of good points, its very very strange that Claire would stay in a situation that kept getting worse and worse.

She may have gotten scared and let the situation just play itself out, then been in shock until it hit later, or she decided it was bad later.

The problem with some women (not all) is they don't actively stop bad things as they occur, they let it play out (in situations where they can actually stop it). Then after a long long time find the "courage" to destroy their "abuser" with accusations when the "abuser" is either too weak to defend themselves (Bill Cosby) or the ladies in question can receive some other benefit from the accusation.

Regardless, I was just curious to see if a victimized woman could ever open herself up to activities that were involved in a bad situation they were previously in. The fact that people still hobby after traumatic experiences is interesting to me.