Looks Like We're Going to Bomb Syria into Democracy Next

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Yep, we have a shortage of wars, so let's go after some more people that don't look like us. More fun ahead! Stay tuned.


Your tax dollars at work.

WTF's Avatar
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  • 12-29-2011, 05:29 PM
Cutiepie as full of chit as I think you are .... I agree with ya on the stupidity of these endless wars in the name of peace. This is liberal thinking that the neocons are supposed to detest!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I love it when you call me "Cutiepie"!
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Can't be much of a secret.

Critics say we are acting too slowly and that we are leading from behind. Does it matter where you are if you are leading? Of course the people who say we should be in front don't plan on going.

Libya turned out much better than Iraq. In our people not lost and in terms of cost.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
But why? Munch. Why? Why don't we leave them alone. This is insane, the idea that we can bomb the world into happy capitalists. We need to do work here at home, and get out of the nation building business.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I think you've missed the hidden truth. Who is waiting in the wings to pick up the pieces in Syria? The same people who picked up the pieces in Egypt, Libya, and Tunisia; the Arab Brotherhood. Do I think Obama is an agent for the Arab Brotherhood? I don't think so but he does not see them as a threat like most Americans do. The same 1930s to 1950s leftists thought that the Soviet Union was not so bad either.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
But why? Munch. Why? Why don't we leave them alone. This is insane, the idea that we can bomb the world into happy capitalists. We need to do work here at home, and get out of the nation building business. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I don't advocate going to war with them. I merely pointed out that the critics don't fight in a war, we should let the other groups take the risks and bear the price of being in front, and that using drones and means other than boots on the ground were much cheaper in dollars and lives.

As to why we have an interest, which one of our allies could be fucked over big by us ignoring the situation?
Hint: It's full of Jews and everybody in the area hates them. Syria has tried to wipe them out multiple times in the last 60 years.
I B Hankering's Avatar
There is always Iran . . .

Iran warns U.S. over Strait of Hormuz

Munchmasterman's Avatar
I think you've missed the hidden truth. Who is waiting in the wings to pick up the pieces in Syria? The same people who picked up the pieces in Egypt, Libya, and Tunisia; the Arab Brotherhood. Do I think Obama is an agent for the Arab Brotherhood? I don't think so but he does not see them as a threat like most Americans do. The same 1930s to 1950s leftists thought that the Soviet Union was not so bad either. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

How can the truth be hidden if you know it? Why do you say he doesn't see them as a threat? It is their country, how do we get rid of the Arab Brotherhood? There are Syrian factions trying to gain power. If the AB is already a large faction in country they might be maneuvering for power.
So you want all out war? What do 1930-50 leftists have to do with any of this?

The bottom line is that rightists pushing for action too soon are no different than leftists waiting too long.
The porridge should be just right (or as close as they can come).
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Maybe, just maybe, if we quit bombing then and demanding they change their countries to match what we want for them, maybe they wouldn't hate us so much and want to kill us. Maybe if we quit trying to control the world, and focused on our internal problems, we would eventually return to the top of the world pecking order, instead of sliding down.

It's worth a try.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Okay, I will explain. Obama and his people have expressed no concern at the idea that the Muslim Brotherhood will take power in any number of countries. They see them as just another organization that can be bargained with. This was exactly the same attitude of the leftists in the 1930s, 40s, and 50s towards the Soviet Union. They didn't see any problem with the Soviet expansion and Obama sees no problem with the Muslim Brotherhood moving in. As for being hidden, do you see anyone really talking about it in the mainstream media. It may get a short mention but that's it.
WTF's Avatar
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  • 12-30-2011, 09:25 AM
Okay, I will explain. Obama and his people have expressed no concern at the idea that the Muslim Brotherhood will take power in any number of countries. They see them as just another organization that can be bargained with. This was exactly the same attitude of the leftists in the 1930s, 40s, and 50s towards the Soviet Union. They didn't see any problem with the Soviet expansion and Obama sees no problem with the Muslim Brotherhood moving in. As for being hidden, do you see anyone really talking about it in the mainstream media. It may get a short mention but that's it. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Awwww yes Vietnam was such a huge sucess. Had we lost that war we would all be Commies.

You guys who want the states to act as they please with minimum federal involvement have this obsession with other countries not being able to elect their own national leaders without our involvement.

I say both the left and right are wrong on this issue.

Ron Paul has it correct. IMHO

When it comes to choice, I think personal choice should trump all others. That includes the bedroom and the boardroom. There would have been no bailout in my world and the only abortion laws would be personal choice. If a company does not want to hire women or white people , let us vote with our pocketbooks...
Okay, I will explain. Obama and his people have expressed no concern at the idea that the Muslim Brotherhood will take power in any number of countries. They see them as just another organization that can be bargained with. This was exactly the same attitude of the leftists in the 1930s, 40s, and 50s towards the Soviet Union. They didn't see any problem with the Soviet expansion and Obama sees no problem with the Muslim Brotherhood moving in. As for being hidden, do you see anyone really talking about it in the mainstream media. It may get a short mention but that's it. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Truly, you folks don't know what you want to do....all you know is that whatever Obama is for, you have to be against. On the one hand, we should stay out of Syria's affairs....on the other hand, the scary Muslim Brotherhood must be stopped because they are like the boogeyman commies of old. Oi.....

By the way, read the fucking article people, it lays out the options being considered and they don't include bombing.

>>>>The options that are under consideration include establishing a humanitarian corridor or safe zone for civilians in Syria along the Turkish border, extending humanitarian aid to the Syrian rebels, providing medical aid to Syrian clinics, engaging more with the external and internal opposition, forming an international contact group, or appointing a special coordinator for working with the Syrian opposition (as was done in Libya), according to the two officials, both of whom are familiar with the discussions but not in attendance at the meetings. <<<<<
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Tim, we all know it would include bombing eventually. And I would oppose it even if Ron Paul was for it.
You don't know that at all, you're making (as usual) uninformed general statements based on your blind opposition to any foreign or domestic policy the current administration proposes or puts in place. And you do it in two sentences or less....easier that way, right?