The IRS pays a number of employees (201) full time salaries, funded by taxpayer dollars, for work they do not perform. Instead, these employees spend their time working for government employee unions,” according to a letter sent to IRS acting commissioner Danny Werfel by Oklahoma Republican Sen. Tom Coburn, ranking member of the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, and Republican Rep. Phil Gingrey of Georgia.

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2013/07/03/co...zz2Y1eG7S5p201 employees of the IRS do nothing but work on union issues !
They all work for the unions full time, just ask any conservative non-profit group
Time to reverse the 1962 executive order issued by Kennedy (and codified into law by Democrat controlled Congress in 1978) permitting unionization and collective bargaining by federal workers. Carter was President.

Amazing how the Democrats have consistently fucked over American taxpayers for decades.
Time to reverse the 1962 executive order issued by Kennedy (and codified into law by Democrat controlled Congress in 1978) permitting unionization and collective bargaining by federal workers.

Amazing how the Democrats have fucked over American taxpayers for decades. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Just to be fair, I think both parties have done a fantastic job of fucking us. But unions for federal employees is truly one of the libs great ironies.

Libs: We need the government to protest us, yet we need unions to protect workers from the same government that we need to protect us? Confusing I know, and hard to believe anybody fell for that.
I am not a Republican; but to be fair the Republican party rarely passes federal legislation that doesn't have bi-partisan support...and rarely does the Republican party have veto proof majorities of both houses of Congress and the White House....their ability to ramrod truly bad legislation to passage is very limited.........there is no comparison between the 2 parties when it comes to the harm done to the middle class.