My Dream For White Liberals

Let's apply my dream for white liberals to the America they have created.

I hope the white liberal in this dream is an early 60's grandfather nearing retirement but can't afford to retire early and needs his high paying job.

I hope the following happens to him in my dream:

He gets passed over for the final promotion he was counting on due to a diversity program for upper management, and with his bills and such has to work until he is 75 - for a lady of color who is lazy and rude to him every day. I hope his job is in human resources explaining to new employees how the great diversity programs the company utilizes allow everyone to reach their full potential. I hope she demands he works late each night for no extra pay, and when he complains to the Department of Labor, he gets a hearing from a POC (person of color) who hates white people and denies his claim.

I hope he has 2 sons and a daughter, all of whom did not go to a college of their choice because they were passed over in favor of less qualified applicants of color. I hope they get petty and meaningless jobs with low pay and get no promotions because those are reserved for POC.

I hope his grandchildren all get denied entry to college and entry to good trade schools because those slots get reserved for "historically marginalized people". I hope those same grandchildren get fat and develop severe drinking problems and turn to crime. I hope the criminal justice system, in an effort to "rectify historical injustices in sentencing non white people" give this liberal's white grandchildren extra long jail sentences in inhuman conditions.

I hope this liberal white grandfather, in my dream, sees what stupid shit liberalism has created, and attempts to kill himself, but fucks that up too and ends up in a wheelchair in a government run facility were he gets neglected and sits in his own shit day after day, all alone.

I hope his kids and grandkids (the ones who don't get sent to jail) get killed by a racial justice mob that chants "White people suck! White people suck! White people suck!"
The liberal utopian dream is to destroy everything. A world in which people subsist on scavenging. Hordes of non whites roaming, searching for anyone, preferably white, that can attack and pillage. Thanks to liberalism, the future will not be one of flying cars, or other technological advances. Nor will be live long and healthy lives to due scientific advances. All that will be wiped out, and replaced by what they call "progress"......the final stage of which will be a mad Max type of world.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
  • oeb11
  • 12-10-2019, 07:59 AM
White folks is evil - Malcolm X said so - thus it must be true!!!
rexdutchman's Avatar
1984 the box said so,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
HoeHummer's Avatar
Does this make yous a Dreamer?

eccieuser9500's Avatar
White folks is evil - Malcolm X said so - thus it must be true!!! Originally Posted by oeb11
1984 the box said so,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Originally Posted by rexdutchman

No, this guy said so.

awwww those poor pussies at the NSC. they think they make foreign policy. well they don't. this is happening because the person who does make foreign policy .. the President is unconcerned with the NSC's "opinions". Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

White folks is evil - Malcolm X said so - thus it must be true!!! Originally Posted by oeb11
Liberals certainly buy into that concept.
Does this make yous a Dreamer? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Nightmares, thanks to liberals.
The liberal utopian dream is to destroy everything. A world in which people subsist on scavenging. Hordes of non whites roaming, searching for anyone, preferably white, that can attack and pillage. Thanks to liberalism, the future will not be one of flying cars, or other technological advances. Nor will be live long and healthy lives to due scientific advances. All that will be wiped out, and replaced by what they call "progress"......the final stage of which will be a mad Max type of world. Originally Posted by Turd Ferguson ATX
Things are well on their way...
White folks is evil - Malcolm X said so - thus it must be true!!! Originally Posted by oeb11
Ironically it was Black People who killed Malcolm. Black people haven't stopped killing Black People since.
Ironically it was Black People who killed Malcolm. Black people haven't stopped killing Black People since. Originally Posted by Levianon17

Blacks kill everybody. They're like wild animals. A blight upon the entire planet. You know of any peaceful low crime black neighborhoods? Of course you don't. They might exist on tv, that's it.
  • oeb11
  • 12-10-2019, 02:02 PM
No, this guy said so.

Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

The usual DPST deflection - no relevance at al to the thread or Malcolm X, or race history.
Pathetic 9500
Blacks kill everybody. They're like wild animals. A blight upon the entire planet. You know of any peaceful low crime black neighborhoods? Of course you don't. They might exist on tv, that's it. Originally Posted by Turd Ferguson ATX
What would be cool to see if a high income black neighborhood could be identified and compare the murder rate there against the murder rate in a southern hick town full of poor whites.

Since poor whites are looked upon scornfully by the educated elites, surely the high income black neighborhood would have lower crime, right?
I've traveled all over the United States and have never seen a "decent" black neighborhood. Not one.Just on the Cosby show. And look what Cosby did .