We're Watching The Democratic Frontrunner, Joe Biden, Succumb To Senility In Real Time

Yeah DNC. Move heaven and earth to cheat your party for this piece of shit.
  • oeb11
  • 03-10-2020, 07:55 PM
thank you, G
I am still hoping for them to nominate the Bolshevik Bernie - would be good for America to vote that idiocy to Rest!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar

you can't make this shit up! only Corn in his poop FrankenBiden can!


Bernie’s toast. He’s a born loser.

Remember how he wouldn’t go after Clinton over her criminal e-mail activities.

Well, this time, he refuse to go after Biden on the very thing that the entire a Country sees. He is in the first stages of dementia and has no business running for President.

Bernie, your just a stupid old fool.......and born looser.

Yeah DNC. Move heaven and earth to cheat your party for this piece of shit. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Just imagine Trump doing that. The Media would crucify him.
Beto has already promised to take away AR15s, AK47s

Beto has already promised to take away AR15s, AK47s

Originally Posted by gnadfly
Beto thinks unlawful and unconstitutional Gun Confiscation of a legal Firearm will go smooth, lol. He better think again.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Just imagine Trump doing that. The Media would crucify him. Originally Posted by Levianon17

speaking of the leftanista media ..

Why Joe Biden's confrontation with an auto worker in Detroit is probably a good thing for him


Analysis by Chris Cillizza, CNN Editor-at-large
Updated 4:20 PM ET, Tue March 10, 2020

Here's the key section of the back-and-forth, in which Biden seems to shush someone else in the crowd in order to speak directly to the autoworker.

And here's what was said:

Man: "You are actively trying to end our Second Amendment right and take away our guns."
Biden: "You're full of shit. I did not—no, no, shush. Shush. I support the Second Amendment. The Second Amendment -- just like right now if you yelled fire, that's not free speech. And from the very beginning, I have a shotgun, I have a 20-gauge, a 12-gauge. My sons hunt, guess what? You're not allowed to own any weapon, I'm not taking your gun away at all. You need 100 rounds?"
Man: "You and Beto say you're going to take our guns --"
Biden: "I did not say that. That's not true. I did not say that."
Man: "It's a viral video."
Biden: "It's a viral video like the other ones you're putting out that are simply a lie. Wait, wait wait, wait, take your AR, your AR-14, Don't tell me anything about (inaudible)"
Man: "You're working for me, man."
Biden: "I'm not working for -- gimme a break man. Don't be such a horse's ass."
It went on like that for another few seconds before Biden walked away. (Biden corrected his reference to an "AR-14" to the proper "AR-15" later.)

uh ... Joe .. Beau is dead. and how does the author reach up his ass to spin this?

"The knock on Biden -- certainly among Democrats who support Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders and even among many Democrats who back the former vice president -- is that he lacks passion on the campaign trail. That his promises to return things to normal and pledges to work with Republicans aren't the sort of stuff that Democrats want to hear right now."

yeah .. that's it! Joe is passionate! that works!

more turd spin ..

"Given that mood, it's hard to see how Biden getting in a shouting match with a guy saying that Biden wants to take away peoples' guns (fact check: not true) and using a few expletives to make his point is a negative (if it has any impact at all) for him."

right! not negative at all!


and finally ..

"Look. I'm not sure this one incident changes many -- or any -- voters' minds. But to the extent it does have an impact, it's hard for me to see this as anything but good for Biden as he seeks to put away Sanders in the primary and pivot to taking on Trump in the general."
speaking of the leftanista media ..

Why Joe Biden's confrontation with an auto worker in Detroit is probably a good thing for him


Analysis by Chris Cillizza, CNN Editor-at-large
Updated 4:20 PM ET, Tue March 10, 2020

Here's the key section of the back-and-forth, in which Biden seems to shush someone else in the crowd in order to speak directly to the autoworker.

And here's what was said:

Man: "You are actively trying to end our Second Amendment right and take away our guns."
Biden: "You're full of shit. I did not—no, no, shush. Shush. I support the Second Amendment. The Second Amendment -- just like right now if you yelled fire, that's not free speech. And from the very beginning, I have a shotgun, I have a 20-gauge, a 12-gauge. My sons hunt, guess what? You're not allowed to own any weapon, I'm not taking your gun away at all. You need 100 rounds?"
Man: "You and Beto say you're going to take our guns --"
Biden: "I did not say that. That's not true. I did not say that."
Man: "It's a viral video."
Biden: "It's a viral video like the other ones you're putting out that are simply a lie. Wait, wait wait, wait, take your AR, your AR-14, Don't tell me anything about (inaudible)"
Man: "You're working for me, man."
Biden: "I'm not working for -- gimme a break man. Don't be such a horse's ass."
It went on like that for another few seconds before Biden walked away. (Biden corrected his reference to an "AR-14" to the proper "AR-15" later.)

uh ... Joe .. Beau is dead. and how does the author reach up his ass to spin this?

"The knock on Biden -- certainly among Democrats who support Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders and even among many Democrats who back the former vice president -- is that he lacks passion on the campaign trail. That his promises to return things to normal and pledges to work with Republicans aren't the sort of stuff that Democrats want to hear right now."

yeah .. that's it! Joe is passionate! that works!

more turd spin ..

"Given that mood, it's hard to see how Biden getting in a shouting match with a guy saying that Biden wants to take away peoples' guns (fact check: not true) and using a few expletives to make his point is a negative (if it has any impact at all) for him."

right! not negative at all!


and finally ..

"Look. I'm not sure this one incident changes many -- or any -- voters' minds. But to the extent it does have an impact, it's hard for me to see this as anything but good for Biden as he seeks to put away Sanders in the primary and pivot to taking on Trump in the general." Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Biden might get the nomination but in the general election Trump will destroy him. When it comes down to it Biden is really not well versed in any aspect of politics. He's just a useful idiot. Obama and Clinton won't even endorse this ignorant fuck.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
breaking news! photo of Corn Pop and his gang found!!!

some bad dudes!

HoeHummer's Avatar
You’re full of shit.

Horses ass.

LOLLING at the pussygrabber.
You’re full of shit.

Horses ass.

LOLLING at the pussygrabber. Originally Posted by HoeHummer
You should be lolling at your reflection in the mirror you fucking retard.
Come election day HoseHummer AKA ASSWIPE will go into a FULL-ON meltdown...PRICELESS!!
gfejunkie's Avatar
Trump vs the poster child for alzheimer's who doesn't even know where he is half of the time... Good luck with that shit.
Come election day HoseHummer AKA ASSWIPE will go into a FULL-ON meltdown...PRICELESS!! Originally Posted by bb1961
HoseHummer has been FULL-ON meltdown since the 2016 election.