Bargain Hunters: What Stocks Are You Buying?

I've bought a little each time on the way down. So far they've been false bottoms. My AMZN still is holding up.


You? IMO, until the schools go back or are dismissed until next fall, the market won't fully recover. It may not fully recover for several years. Patience.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Shorting companies who make cleaning products seems wise. I don’t buy individual stocks, just dump what I can into a SEP.
BlisswithKriss's Avatar
Kroger KR
Costco COST.
Gilead Sciences GILD
Dominos Pizza DPZ
Walmart WMT.
mispriced secured first lien bonds highest in the pecking order

Buy them at a discount to their liquidation value...collect the interest while they still pay it, get the capital appreciation if they make it, get the assets if they fail...
mispriced secured first lien bonds highest in the pecking order

Buy them at a discount to their liquidation value... Originally Posted by friendly fred
be glad obama isn't around to screw over bond holders for the benefit of a union
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
No one can beat the wall street machines.
I let the broker do her thing with whichever machine she's plugged into, and only have a few do nots posted.

Seriously, the machines know as soon as there's a smidge of movement on any thing.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Coronavirus Stock Market Crash: Here's How To Spot A Market Bottom

Coronavirus Stock Market Crash: The Hunt For A Bottom

After a prolonged stock market downturn, look for the first up day from an index low. That's the start of a rally attempt. The index can be the Nasdaq composite, S&P 500 or the Dow Jones Industrial Average.

Follow-Through Day: Jan. 4, 2019

Follow-through days don't mean it's time to jump into the market with reckless abandon. They especially tend to fail more often after indexes have fallen sharply over a short period of time while piercing their 50-day and/or 200-day moving averages. That was the case for the coronavirus stock market correction in late February.

Instead, buy one or two stocks and see how they work. If the market uptrend is for real, those stocks will continue advancing and others will break out as well. Avoid the extremes of either jumping in too aggressively or refusing to test the waters at all.
McDonald's MCD
Chung Tran's Avatar
good companies that won't face a liquidity squeeze, that you can by now and put away. maybe get more aggressive if a recognizable bottom forms.. leave a little cash to make quick trades with ETF's.

I like:


and Alerian MLP
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
HoeHummer's Avatar
Canadian “agriculturals” stocks...
matchingmole's Avatar
The gaming stocks MGM and Caesars
Jaxson66's Avatar
Combe Incorporated, they produce Vagisil, because the trump party will be having terrible pussy irritation in the coming months.
  • oeb11
  • 03-20-2020, 09:45 AM
"J666" - dancing with delight....
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-20-2020, 11:12 AM
"J666" - dancing with delight.... Originally Posted by oeb11
On a thread where you and others are discussing profit from death.

Oh the irony!
