ABC begrudgingly gives 10 SECONDS to THEIR OWN poll showing the approval of Trump's handling of the crisis...OH NO!!

This shows how out of touch the LSM is in their ability to understand the people of this country.
You posters on the left, is this a FAKE LSM poll?? Do tell.

ABC Gives 10 Seconds to Own Poll Showing Approval of Trump’s Crisis Response
By Kyle Drennen | March 20, 2020 12:03 PM EDT

After weeks of the broadcast network using the coronavirus pandemic as a cudgel to attack the Trump administration, on Friday, ABC’s Good Morning America could only bother to spend 10 seconds on their own poll finding that 55% of Americans approve of the President’s handling of the crisis.
“Our anxiety over coronavirus is growing as the outbreak spreads across the country,” co-host Amy Robach explained as she reported on the new poll results during a 7:00 a.m. ET half hour news brief. Going through some of the results, Robach just briefly mentioned public approval of President Trump’s crisis management increasing:
A new ABC News/Ipsos poll found that 79% of those asked are concerned they or someone they know will become infected. Just a week ago, that number was at 66%. Even more stunning though, was this change in people who say the virus has disrupted their life in some way – 72% this week as opposed to just 26% last week. And people also finding more support for President Trump’s handling of this crisis – 55% approve of the President’s performance. Last week, it was just at 43%.
Compare that short shrift to how the morning show trumpeted bad polling news for Trump just one week ago, on March 13:
GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: Let’s go to the White House with our senior national correspondent Terry Moran. And Terry, we have a new poll out this morning with Ipsos showing two-thirds of Americans worried about the outbreak, more than half disapprove of how the President has handled it. And it’s pretty clear his Oval Office address did not provide the kind of assurance everyone was looking for.
TERRY MORAN: You know, George, it didn’t. He wanted to reassure the country and the markets and he was shaky. He misstated his policy on whether trade would be banned from Europe, it won’t. Misstated what insurers were willing to pay for. And that probably contributes to our poll’s finding that before that speech, 59% of Americans said they were concerned about this virus. Afterwards, 73%. That of course, has to do with time as well. But politics still matter here, George. In our poll, 86% of Republicans approve of the President’s response, 86% of Democrats disapprove. Of course the virus has no partisan loyalty.
Along with the rest of the media, ABC has repeatedly looked for chances to use the virus to go after the White House by parroting Democratic talking points, stoking fears about the President’s response, trying to get top government medical officials to criticize Trump, and even calling the President a “racist.”
And yet, despite that constant drumbeat of hostile coverage, the majority of the American people think Trump is handling the health crisis well.
  • oeb11
  • 03-20-2020, 03:43 PM
The LSM "LIERS" - a point j666 and the Fascist DPST cannot understand in their TDS - trump Hatred.

They are willing to destroy the country to not re-elect Trump - and consider the barren wasteland resulting as well worth it.

welcome to Orwellian America.
The LSM "LIERS" - a point j666 and the Fascist DPST cannot understand in their TDS - trump Hatred.

They are willing to destroy the country to not re-elect Trump - and consider the barren wasteland resulting as well worth it.

welcome to Orwellian America. Originally Posted by oeb11
They wish to depose Trump and get back in power.

They are sociopathic motherfuckers.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-20-2020, 05:20 PM
He will be judged come November.

Will bitten know who he is come November...
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-20-2020, 05:31 PM
Will bitten know who he is come November... Originally Posted by bb1961
I don't give a fuck who he thi is heis....just as long as he is President
They wish to depose Trump and get back in power.

They are sociopathic motherfuckers. Originally Posted by friendly fred
That's right and they are using a viral infection which is common among human populations to exploit that. They have people by the Balls with this thing.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I don't give a fuck who he thi is heis....just as long as he is President Originally Posted by WTF
HoeHummer's Avatar
Another great post bb1961.

Not only are you misinterpreting the tone of the article, but doing a great job of dumbing yourself down to extrapolate a political agenda.

People can’t wait for Trumpleforeskin to turn socialist on their asses. Are you gonna take all the free shit he promises?

You’re a one star Hypocrite.
HoeHummer's Avatar
That's right and they are using a viral infection which is common among human populations to exploit that. They have people by the Balls with this thing. Originally Posted by Levianon17
The virus and the tanked economy are excuses. The real issue is the fact that Trump is a fucking cancer on society and all of his followers should be thanksful that they’ll have had a four year window to burn their crosses, demonize others and act like assholes with impugnitys. Those days are coming to an end.

The world is changing because of the virus and the failed world economy.

Trump and Trumpism will be the first to fall.

Yous better watch out. REAL HUMANS are coming to save the world. From yous.

For your sake, youse better hope they save the US of Eh.

rexdutchman's Avatar
Yup Orwell would be impressed ,,,,,

The world is changing because of the virus and the failed world economy. Originally Posted by HoeHummer
When you say "failed world economy" could you expound on that?
HoeHummer's Avatar
Yup Orwell would be impressed ,,,,, Originally Posted by rexdutchman
Exactly which Orwell are yous invoking, Rexsy?

How many Orwell books have people read to yous?

adav8s28's Avatar
I don't give a fuck who he thi is heis....just as long as he is President Originally Posted by WTF

Anybody but Trump. Trump must go.
  • oeb11
  • 03-21-2020, 11:05 AM
TDS and Trump hatred - useful idiot for the Chinese.

Go vote your conscience - while you have that right - the LSM, Chinese, and fascist DPST's will remove the first and Second Amendments at their first chance, Little a!!!