Powers that be not social distancing?

Is it crazy that when you look on the news at the people reporting about the coronavirus/press conferences that they are all standing close together even though they're telling us literally not to go out in public?

I literally just saw Pence, Trump, and Carson standing way less than 6 feet together

This whole thing just truly perplexes me I just feel like there's a lot more to it then they're disclosing
Yeah, it's called Social Engineering. They give you a reason to be afraid of something. All of us at one time in our lives have had a Cold or Flu. It can be mild or severe and for people who are very old or have compromising health issues these viruses can even kill everyone is aware of that. What we aren't aware of is the medical terms for these virulent strains. In this instance it's Coronavirus. If you ever had a cold you had a Coronavirus. This time of year people all over the world are experiencing colds of various degrees, ordinarily it's pandemic. The word "Pandemic" doesn't mean the human race is in dire straits. It's mind control. They have you believing you have to wear a surgical, you can't go out, stay away from crowds, keep your distance from people all over basically a pathogen that causes an array of symptoms we call the "Cold".
HoeHummer's Avatar

Thanks for the explanation, Levianon12. But was all’s know that if yous west one of theses, you’ll be safe from the Chinese cold.

I feels so much safer now!

Avoids wind turbines!


Thanks for the explanation, Levianon12. But was all’s know that if yous west one of theses, you’ll be safe from the Chinese cold.

I feels so much safer now!

Avoids wind turbines!

LOLLING! Originally Posted by HoeHummer
You poor bastard they've got you so dumb down. How many times a day do you wash your hands now?
  • oeb11
  • 03-21-2020, 02:08 PM
Never did - does not now, never will.
Pigs have not hands.

Send it to China - they will make a stir fry for Comrade Xi!!
Redhot1960's Avatar

I feels so much safer now!

Avoids wind turbines!

LOLLING! Originally Posted by HoeHummer
  • oeb11
  • 03-21-2020, 06:45 PM
Whine - we want equal access to coronavirus infection - the same as every other gender variation and deviation.
Chung Tran's Avatar
Yeah, it's called Social Engineering. They give you a reason to be afraid of something. Originally Posted by Levianon17
why is Pence taking "the test", and Trump is re-taking it again?

or is this fake news?
why is Pence taking "the test", and Trump is re-taking it again?

or is this fake news? Originally Posted by Chung Tran
How do you know they were tested, just because the media said they did? What about Tom Hanks, he tested positive is the media giving updates on his condition every four hours? Since there isn't a vaccine and no definitive treatment specific to this particular virus, what's the point of being tested, just to say you have Covid-19. Most everyone has had a Coronavirus at sometime in their lives. There's never been any urgency for testing before and you can bet the test that is available there will be some false positives and negatives.
bambino's Avatar
why is Pence taking "the test", and Trump is re-taking it again?

or is this fake news? Originally Posted by Chung Tran
They should take it. They’re the leaders of our government. You dumbass.
HoeHummer's Avatar
Says the at risk target for the Chinese croupe.

That bug is probably alreadys working it’s way towards your remarkable enlarged heart, bumbeaner.

All that plaque isn’t going to slows it down.

  • Tiny
  • 03-22-2020, 09:22 AM
Is it crazy that when you look on the news at the people reporting about the coronavirus/press conferences that they are all standing close together even though they're telling us literally not to go out in public?

I literally just saw Pence, Trump, and Carson standing way less than 6 feet together

This whole thing just truly perplexes me I just feel like there's a lot more to it then they're disclosing Originally Posted by Sienna91
Great point. It's crazy that they're not further apart. It's a bad example. If the President and medical experts aren't practicing social distancing, then why shouldn't students on spring break stand shoulder to shoulder on beaches and in bars? Well, actually, maybe some of them see the Boomer Remover as a great opportunity. The old people die off and they can elect politicians like Bernie Sanders. And entitlement liabilities will be reduced, they don't have to worry so much about whether they'll collect social security.

Seriously, It looks like Trump, Fauci and the rest aren't taking this seriously enough.