Media instills fear in people about a possible cure...BECAUSE ORAGE MAN BAD.

The LSM says a possible cure for this virus might be deadly...when one OVERDOSES on can't fix stupid.

Media Post Misleading Info to Dash Hopes for Possible Drug Cure Which Trump Touted

Posted at 10:00 pm on March 21, 2020 by Nick Arama

President Donald Trump speaks during press briefing with the coronavirus task force, at the White House, Thursday, March 19, 2020, in Washington. Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Dr. Stephen Hahn, at left, and Dr. Deborah Birx, White House coronavirus response coordinator, at right listen. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)
On Thursday, President Donald Trump announced that there had been encouraging results found early testing of Hydroxychloroquine, a drug used for many years to treat malaria, in fighting the Wuhan coronavirus.

The administration said they would be fast tracking the trials on the drug.
So what was the media’s reaction to this good news?
We’ve already reported on part of it. NBC’s Peter Alexander claiming Trump was somehow misleading people by being hopeful and CNN chastising Trump for having “unsubstantiated hope.”
But media even went a step further to try to knock down any possibility that people might feel hopeful from the announcement.
Here they go.
You mean a drug if you don’t take it as prescribed, but take in huge doses could be dangerous? Too much Aspirin can kill you. Who would have thought? Isn’t that true of most drugs? How dishonest is that? And no, people aren’t taken it in 2 gram doses.
The drug was used to treat malaria safely for decades, it probably has more of a history than many drugs, but this is how the media paints it, because Trump. If it had been Barack Obama, the headline would have been “Obama touts drug, used safely for years, for incredible new use.”
Bloomberg jumps aboard the train to suggest that that evil Trump may even have poisoned people by offering hope for a cure.
The story of course shows no indication that it has anything to do with Trump saying it (the story of the potential of the drug has been all over the media before Trump spoke of it). Not to mention anyone knows better than to self-medicate or overdose against medical instruction.
But it’s Trump’s fault for saying there’s a positive possibility on the horizon? At what point does the media just implode under the weight of their own hypocrisy? If he is positive, he’s giving false hope. If he’s negative about something, he’s “downplaying it.” No matter what he says, he’s always wrong, to them because that’s the basic rule.
Just another point, Trump was talking about hydroxychloroquine, not chloroquine, but they don’t make that distinction and just say chloroquine in both stories.
Pretty sick to try to mislead people in the middle of a pandemic.
Perhaps National Review editor Charles C.W. Cooke had the best response for MSN and Bloomberg. “Wait until they hear about morphine,” he said.
HoeHummer's Avatar
This is all about the media?

Of course it is. Never minds that the virus is out of control in the US of Eh, and Trumps own medical advisors have to correct him in press briefings every fucking day.

Yous will never admit that your side shit the bed. And that your saviour is the worst piece of shit since Idi Amin’s.

The media doesn’t blame yous. They blame the educations system in your failed country, for making so many fucking idiots like yous.

No wonder it’s “someone’s else’s fault.”

This is all about the media?

Of course it is. Never minds that the virus is out of control in the US of Eh, and Trumps own medical advisors have to correct him in press briefings every fucking day.

Yous will never admit that your side shit the bed. And that your saviour is the worst piece of shit since Idi Amin’s.

The media doesn’t blame yous. They blame the educations system in your failed country, for making so many fucking idiots like yous.

No wonder it’s “someone’s else’s fault.”

Originally Posted by HoeHummer
ASSWIPE yous are in another EPIC MELTDOWN and EVERYTHING triggers yous!!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar

Originally Posted by HoeHummer

bend over. its enema time to flush out your shit out of your butt hole.
  • oeb11
  • 03-22-2020, 10:31 AM
The LSM says a possible cure for this virus might be deadly...when one OVERDOSES on can't fix stupid.

Media Post Misleading Info to Dash Hopes for Possible Drug Cure Which Trump Touted

Posted at 10:00 pm on March 21, 2020 by Nick Arama

President Donald Trump speaks during press briefing with the coronavirus task force, at the White House, Thursday, March 19, 2020, in Washington. Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Dr. Stephen Hahn, at left, and Dr. Deborah Birx, White House coronavirus response coordinator, at right listen. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)
On Thursday, President Donald Trump announced that there had been encouraging results found early testing of Hydroxychloroquine, a drug used for many years to treat malaria, in fighting the Wuhan coronavirus.

The administration said they would be fast tracking the trials on the drug.
So what was the media’s reaction to this good news?
We’ve already reported on part of it. NBC’s Peter Alexander claiming Trump was somehow misleading people by being hopeful and CNN chastising Trump for having “unsubstantiated hope.”
But media even went a step further to try to knock down any possibility that people might feel hopeful from the announcement.
Here they go.
You mean a drug if you don’t take it as prescribed, but take in huge doses could be dangerous? Too much Aspirin can kill you. Who would have thought? Isn’t that true of most drugs? How dishonest is that? And no, people aren’t taken it in 2 gram doses.
The drug was used to treat malaria safely for decades, it probably has more of a history than many drugs, but this is how the media paints it, because Trump. If it had been Barack Obama, the headline would have been “Obama touts drug, used safely for years, for incredible new use.”
Bloomberg jumps aboard the train to suggest that that evil Trump may even have poisoned people by offering hope for a cure.
The story of course shows no indication that it has anything to do with Trump saying it (the story of the potential of the drug has been all over the media before Trump spoke of it). Not to mention anyone knows better than to self-medicate or overdose against medical instruction.
But it’s Trump’s fault for saying there’s a positive possibility on the horizon? At what point does the media just implode under the weight of their own hypocrisy? If he is positive, he’s giving false hope. If he’s negative about something, he’s “downplaying it.” No matter what he says, he’s always wrong, to them because that’s the basic rule.
Just another point, Trump was talking about hydroxychloroquine, not chloroquine, but they don’t make that distinction and just say chloroquine in both stories.
Pretty sick to try to mislead people in the middle of a pandemic.
Perhaps National Review editor Charles C.W. Cooke had the best response for MSN and Bloomberg. “Wait until they hear about morphine,” he said. Originally Posted by bb1961

Thank you - bb - some in the LSM will slant any possible story to discredit trump - no question.It is disgusting behavior - advancing propaganda as neutral facts.

To be complete - the chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine drugs have toxicities and dosage guidelines, and have toxicities if overdosed. Chloroquine has a low therapeutic index - and a dose twice the therapeutic dose can be fatal. Hycroxychloroquine is not so dangerous with acute overdose - but can cause retinal damage, and has a long half life - meaning it builds up in the tissues.

These drugs must be used carefully.

That said- careful administration can be done under medical supervision. Will these drugs be an answer to The Wuhan virus -not known at this time. Research is underway - and i have no timetable for answers.
HoeHummer's Avatar
So says a fakes doctor to a fakes news addict in response to a fakes president of a failed administration.

If oebsy is such a fucking expert, why is she spendings all his time +1’ing you certifiable idiots?

What are her bona dudes?

Why isn’t she on the front lines with the brave docs around the world?

Fucking pathetic!

You were perma-banned and you violated board rules with a FAKE handle...and come one here and spew you triggered hate filled NONSENSE. ASSWIPE you are a pathetic PHONY!!
  • oeb11
  • 03-22-2020, 02:22 PM
bb- put the obnoxious poster on ignore and don't respond - the surest cure for fascist DPST hypocrisy and obnoxiousness. They will wither and go away without responses from an audience. Letting them get to you just enables them.
bambino's Avatar
bend over. its enema time to flush out your shit out of your butt hole. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
He’d rather someone go elbows deep in his ass and pull it out. Because he’s a pig.
This is all about the media?

Of course it is. Never minds that the virus is out of control in the US of Eh, and Trumps own medical advisors have to correct him in press briefings every fucking day.

Yous will never admit that your side shit the bed. And that your saviour is the worst piece of shit since Idi Amin’s.

The media doesn’t blame yous. They blame the educations system in your failed country, for making so many fucking idiots like yous.

No wonder it’s “someone’s else’s fault.”

Originally Posted by HoeHummer
Who told you this virus was out of control in the United States?
HoeHummer's Avatar
bb- put the obnoxious poster on ignore and don't respond - the surest cure for fascist DPST hypocrisy and obnoxiousness. They will wither and go away without responses from an audience. Letting them get to you just enables them. Originally Posted by oeb11
He’d rather someone go elbows deep in his ass and pull it out. Because he’s a pig. Originally Posted by bambino
You were perma-banned and you violated board rules with a FAKE handle...and come one here and spew you triggered hate filled NONSENSE. ASSWIPE you are a pathetic PHONY!! Originally Posted by bb1961
Who told you this virus was out of control in the United States? Originally Posted by Levianon17


Yous should go back to Mexico! Plenty of asswipes for yous there.


Chung Tran's Avatar
there are already reports of overdoses in Africa, from people who seized on Trump's words, and made a bad decision to self-medicate.

I know, y'all are going to say "Stupid Africans" deserve it, you are so predictable.
Probably the same people that don't read the warnings on high voltage lines poles and decide to climb up on them anyways... YOU CAN'T FIX STUPID!!

I'm asswipe so there.



There is help ASSWIPE...go get it!!

  • oeb11
  • 03-23-2020, 09:01 AM
there are already reports of overdoses in Africa, from people who seized on Trump's words, and made a bad decision to self-medicate.

I know, y'all are going to say "Stupid Africans" deserve it, you are so predictable. Originally Posted by Chung Tran

I believe that I am responsible for my own actions - and the consequences of my own actions.

The Fascist leftists believe the government is responsible for everything - and controls personal choice by that responsibility.
I do not believe America or Trump are responsible for the actions of 2 Africans hospitalized for OS on chloroquin. They are responsible for their own actions.

Not me- not Trump - and not you - CT!!!

Liberals and the LSM - so predictable!

For the same reason America should not have Open borders and a welfare state for the world.

It is not our responsibility!