The Honorable Mr Bloomberg Stiffs His “loyal” Staff.

Hey, they were living high on the hog. Wine and cheese luncheons, steak dinners, high pay. Nice hotels.

For all I care, they can eat shit and puke.
  • oeb11
  • 03-24-2020, 10:07 AM
The only thing the DNC wants from Bloomie is his money - o/w they want him to shut up and go away.
BlisswithKriss's Avatar
I’m surprised that Mike would do that, so it’s not cool to do something that Trump has done time and time again...
Stiffing folks that have done work for him..

Especially when Mike can actually prove he is a billionaire and has the money compare to Trump who can’t prove squat but his words and claims are cheap.

Perhaps NPR should investigate the reports that Trump is not paying his bills with regards to these rallies he does all over the country...

Bloomberg should pay up and don’t be like Don the Con....a cheapskate
what you have to remember that is important here

these are dims suing

and dims are given to suing for umbrage, fake or otherwise, or resentment all the time
  • oeb11
  • 03-24-2020, 12:48 PM
Serves Bloomie right for getting involved with the DPST's - who always viewed him with distrust and disgust as a republican carpetbagger.

And - shorter than bernie!
I hope they tie him up in court to the tune of several of billions of his china made fortune.

At least it will be spent in the US.
Even if it has to be lawyers and DPST's!