Soccer or sex? Thai teens ponder puzzling choice

LMAO at this article..

Yea like sticking your head in the sand and telling your kid to go play soccer is the correct very clueless.

I know many bible thumpers in the states who would take this approach.
I guess Human Nature is a consistant factor though out the World.

You could probably plug this story into just about any Country, and it would be relevant.
boardman's Avatar
LMAO at this article..

Yea like sticking your head in the sand and telling your kid to go play soccer is the correct very clueless.

I know many bible thumpers in the states who would take this approach. Originally Posted by Sexyeccentric1
That's not what parents responded that's what the kids responded. The choices listed are all ridiculous. They didn't even give them an option of masturbation.